Follow the instruction on tyoing up a annotated biblography and also follow the guidelines Precisely...!!!! and also please ask if you have any question you will need to wait for the result of your w


In our last essay, you evaluated career path for yourself. My career choice is (computer science) For this essay, you will take that evaluation a step further and propose the steps that must be completed for a student to either transfer to a four-year school or complete a two year degree in an efficient and timely manner.


In 1000-1200 words, write an essay that looks at the various steps that are needed to transfer to a four-year university or graduate from York Tech. It is important that you remember that your essay must still be argument-driven and include an argumentative thesis that guides your essay.

In this essay, you are encouraged to use areas of your previous evaluation essay if they are beneficial to this new essay. In other words, if you would like to use part of Essay 2 in the introduction or background section of this proposal essay, you are encouraged to do so.


For this essay, a counterargument is recommended. You may frame this as you wish, but I would suggest you think about topics such as how someone might not think it necessary to research and prepare ahead of time for transfer to a four-year university or how someone may not have adequate support at home, making pursuing a career difficult.

Suggested Outline

· Introduction (1 paragraph)

· Counterargument (1 paragraph)

· Background (1-2 paragraphs about why this is the best career or college for you)

· Step 1 (1-2 paragraphs)

· Step 2 (1-2 paragraphs)

· Step 3 (1-2 paragraphs)

· Conclusion


Please include at least 2 quote from ( ). And then 2 more from any choice source must be a .gov type of source. Two sources. If you decide to use a web source for your other two sources, please have me evaluate them first so that you know it is a good source. If you have any questions about your sources and whether or not they will suffice, please ask about them as soon as possible.

All sources, no matter the type, will need to be cited in-text as well as in the works-cited page.

Annotated Bibliography

For this essay, you will also be required to create an annotated bibliography, which is simply a works cited page that also includes a summary and evaluation of your sources. A separate prompt for the annotated bibliography can be found in Content>Prompts & Rubrics. Information on writing annotated bibliographies can be found in the Essay 3 Information in Content. Please see your course calendar for the annotated bibliography due date.

MLA Format

Your essay should be properly formatted according to the most up-to-date MLA standards discussed in class and found on our D2L class page (Content>MLA & Research Resources).

Proper formatting includes the following criteria:

· MLA General Format

· In-text citations

· Works Cited page that follows all MLA guidelines