Need help with my college algebra midterm.

Midterm Rubric

4-Point Question Rubric
Multiple choice or Fill in the Blank Questions
Do Not Show Work



Correct and complete
(4 points)

Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blank

Correct answer and answer written following instructions

Correct but not following instructions or incomplete
(3 points)

Multiple Choice

Answer is a value rather than A, B, C, D, or E

Fill in the Blank
Answer error (examples: missing units (ft, $, etc.), or
did not follow instructions)

Incorrect or unreadable content
(1 point)

Answer is not correct, content is not readable, or multiple answers given. (example: multiple choice answer is A and B)

No attempt (0 points)

Did not attempt this problem

6-Point Question Rubric
Short Answer Questions – Show Your Work



Correct and complete
(6 points)

Correct and complete answer,
Detailed work reveals valid algorithm,
Answer written following instructions,
Proper use of mathematics language and symbols,
No math errors.

Correct but not complete
Incorrect and complete with valid algorithm
(5 or 4 points)

Incomplete indicates missing equal signs (=) or units (ft, $, etc.), or
did not follow instructions (fraction not written in lowest terms, did not identify the variable (Let x=), rounding error, etc.),
Incorrect answer and complete; detailed work reveals valid algorithm with all but one steps correct
Minor arithmetic error (+,-,x, or /)

(3 or 2 points)

Correct answer with detailed work that does not support the answer or no detailed work (3 points)
Incorrect answer with detailed work that reveals more than one step of valid algorithm is correct, (3 or 2 points)
Answer may not be complete (3 or 2 points)

Incorrect or unreadable content
(1 point)

Attempted problem with part of one step or no correct steps
Content is not readable

No attempt (0 points)

Did not attempt this problem

The multiple choice/fill in the blanks questions will be either correct or incorrect. The possible points for this type of problem are 4, 3, 1, or 0. You will earn 4 points if the answer is correct, 3 points for answer errors listed in rubric and 1 point if the answer is not correct or not readable. No attempt will result in 0 points. The reason that there is no partial credit for these types of problems is that there is no work shown – just the answer. Do not waste time showing your work for these problems.
The short answer questions will have detailed work shown and you can earn partial credit. Thus, you can earn 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 points for this type of problem.