I need a final paper written about an ethical issue in marketing. I need an annotated bibliography is due in Week 8 with a minimum of 7 references. This annotated bibliography is separate from the pa

I need a final paper written about an ethical issue in marketing. I need an annotated bibliography is due in Week 8 with a minimum of 7 references. This annotated  bibliography is separate from the pa 1

Major Paper Assignment: 1

Literature Review of

Marketing Ethics Topic

This major paper assignment is worth 30% of the total grade for this course. Your major paper is to be completed individually and independently. No collaboration with any other student is allowed.2

The due date for this assignment is Week 11, 11:59pm Sunday. The Departmental Late policy for late submissions is found in the Grading Information area of your syllabus. Note: because the abstract from this assignment forms the basis of the Week 12 discussion assignment, it is critical that this assignment be submitted on time except in rare and unusual circumstances.

This assignment contains two MILESTONES. Milestones are parts of the assignment that are submitted before the due date. Milestone are not graded, but do offer the opportunity for feedback. The milestones in this project are 1)your topic is due in Week 5; and 2)your annotated bibliography is due in Week 8. If you do not submit your topic by Week 5, there is no penalty, but that action lessens the amount of time you will devote to your research and therefore could have a negative impact on the success of the assignment submission. If you do not submit your annotated bibliography in Week 8, there is no penalty, but you waive the opportunity for feedback on your research progress and that could have a negative impact on the success of the assignment submission.

The grade rubric including all grading criteria is found within this assignment. Be sure to review the grade rubric before, during, and after you write your paper, to ensure that you address all criteria.

You will post the abstract of your major paper in the Week 12 discussion area by 11:59pm Monday of Week 12 in order to present and discuss your paper with your classmates.


Your major paper will be a literature review (“lit” review) written on a marketing ethics topic of your choice with approval from the instructor. This assignment requires several steps over seven weeks to complete.

Assignment Instructions

  1. First, select a topic with an ethical marketing focus.

    • MILESTONE #1: Your topic is in due in Week 5. Here’s some advice about selecting your topic:

  • The topic chosen must have an ethical marketing focus and the research should build on, rather than repeat, the material covered in the course. Your topic of choice should be a research question that has practical ethical applications for the marketing community (i.e., would be of interest to marketers, public relations practitioners), rather than a purely theoretical topic. Past students have written major papers about internet privacy, high-pressure selling techniques, sex appeal advertising, ethics in retailing, ethics of product rebates, The National Do Not Call List, and neuro-marketing.

  • Here is some general advice for choosing a topic that interests you https://www.umuc.edu/current-students/learning-resources/writing-center/online-guide-to-writing/tutorial/chapter4/ch4-12.html

  • You should choose your topic no later than Week 5 to all sufficient time for research and writing. When you have your topic choice, please email your instructor ([email protected]) as soon as possible to discuss.

  1. Second, research your topic thoroughly. This assignment requires a minimum of 7 scholarly journal sources in the finished product. Your sources must be the product of your own research effort. Do not use sources from the course reading lists, or other material from the course; these items would not be considered research.

      • View this UMUC Library resource to help you Identify Scholarly Journals https://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/scholarlyjournals.cfm

        • Note that in most library databases you can limit your search results to scholarly (peer reviewed) journals by ticking a box for scholarly sources only. You should do that.

        • News sources and government sources are not scholarly sources.

        • Select the most recent and most relevant sources. Avoid narrow interest sources (e.g. Journal of Podiatry Assistants)

  • Begin by viewing two new Library resources. Additional resources for Marketing students are found below in the Research Resources section.

    • View the Library Research for Marketing – Basics Video [NEW] https://libguides.umuc.edu/marketing-tutorial

    • Then, view the Library Research for Marketing – Advanced Video [NEW] https://libguides.umuc.edu/c.php?g=885115&p=6360467

  1. Third, create an annotated bibliography from your scholarly journal research sources.

  • The annotated bibliography is a necessary step to completing this assignment.

  • Short “how-to” guide for creating an analytical/critical annotated bibliography available here: https://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/bibliography_apa.cfm

  • MILESTONE #2: Your annotated bibliography is due in Week 8. Email your annotated bibliography to your instructor ([email protected]) for some feedback.

  1. Fourth, write the lit review containing the parts described in Assignment Instructions.

  • To understand the process for approaching this assignment, view this resource:

      • How to Write a Literature Review in 30 Minutes or Less, Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdJxY4w9XKY&feature=youtu.be

        • The video will explain what is meant by the literature, what is required in a lit review, and how a lit review is relevant in a professional setting. This video will illustrate the process of creating an annotated bibliography and writing a rough draft of the literature review. Note that the video will not cover every step for this assignment. Your literature review will require a conclusion with unique and original insights. View the video early in the term because there are several steps involved, including research and preparing an annotated bibliography. Students who have waited often regretted that decision.

Assignment Format

Follow this format. Do not number the sections.

  1. Title page - include your name, the name of the course, the title of your paper, and date of submission.

  2. Abstract - the abstract is written last. This will be an informational type of abstract. View this resource, Writing Report Abstracts, Retrieved from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/technical_reports_and_report_abstracts/index.html You also will post the abstract of your paper in the Week 12 discussion to present and discuss your paper with your classmates. Post abstract in discussion by Monday of Week 12.

  3. Introduction – a statement of your topic and the context for why you’re interested in reviewing the topic. Consider why a literature review on your topic would be of interest to marketers or other practitioners in the marketing community. What makes this topic relevant and compelling?

  4. Body – this section contains your analysis and synthesis of the scholarly works. The body is not simply an annotated bibliography, but rather focuses on the connections between the scholarly works. Each paragraph or subsection should focus on a concept or theme that runs through the literature, not just the contribution(s) of one author or author group. Use appropriate title and subtitles for each section of content; do not title this section “body.”

  5. Conclusion –the conclusion must include your unique and original insights into how your literature review can be used by marketers or other practitioners in the workplace. Refer to the context stated in your introduction. Highlight how your literature review adds to the knowledge of the marketing community. What did you learn that you would share with other marketers?

  6. Reference list including a minimum of 7 scholarly journal sources from the UMUC Library. This is a typical reference list, not an annotated bibliography. Do not submit assignment until your list contains at least seven scholarly sources on the reference list.

Use formal tone and third person voice for lit review. Paper length should be approximately 7-10 pages of text, not including title page, abstract and references. The paper must follow APA (6th edition) format; see Writing Resources. Font is Times New Roman font 12 point, black color only, with 1 inch margins on all sides. Lit review should be double-spaced throughout. Submit Word document to Assignment folder for Major Paper.

Research Resources

Numerous research resources for marketing are available through the UMUC Library. The library has created a Research Guide with the resources most relevant to marketers:

    • Begin with the Research Guide for Marketing https://libguides.umuc.edu/marketing

    • Check out the Library’s Search Tips for Marketing https://libguides.umuc.edu/c.php?g=318048&p=2124052

    • View the Library Research for Marketing – Basics Video [NEW] (<7min) https://libguides.umuc.edu/marketing-tutorial

    • Then, view the Library Research for Marketing – Advanced Video [NEW] (<10min) https://libguides.umuc.edu/c.php?g=885115&p=6360467

Writing Resources

These UMUC resources should be useful for this assignment.

  • APA document format video (<6 min) shows how to set-up a document in Word to comply with APA format https://libguides.umuc.edu/apa-document-formatting

  • APA reference list video (<10 min)  is about formatting the reference list.  It also looks at several different types of references - all from online sources - and how to cite those in APA format https://libguides.umuc.edu/apa-references-list-formatting

  • APA formatting resources can be found in the classroom in Content > Course Resources

  • Writing tutoring is available, free of charge, for support in developing your written communication skills. See classroom, Content > Course Resources > Writing Tutor Registration for details on how to register and begin using this service. 

Rubric (scroll down)



Good – Very Good


Improvement Needed



Below 70%

Topic relevance to marketing ethics & the marketing community

Topic is clear and highly relevant for marketing ethics. Topic relevance to marketing community apparent.

Topic is clear and relevant for marketing ethics. Topic relevance to marketing community is clear.

Topic may lack clarity or relevance for marketing ethics. Topic relevance to marketing community is not clear.

Topic description confusing or inaccurate. Topic relevance to marketing community not apparent.

Points: 20

20 – 18



Below 14



Abstract articulates the research topic, addresses multiple perspectives, and provides a clear rationale for the specific research question.

Abstract articulates the research topic and addresses multiple perspectives.

Paper includes an abstract that articulates some of the key components of the paper.

The paper does not include an abstract. Note that an abstract is required for the W12 assignment.

Points: 20

20 – 18



Below 14


Making connections

Paper includes well-defined conceptual connections and clearly articulates relationships among key terms. Analysis and synthesis of the scholarly works is creative. Linkages between theory and practice supported by examples.

Paper includes connections defined into an overall conceptual framework of relationships. Analysis and synthesis of the scholarly works is present. Linkages between theory and practice supported with limited examples.

Paper includes connections that are loosely linked into an overall conceptual framework of relationships. Few linkages between theory and practice or topic is highly theoretical.

Paper includes no connections between the works. Simply an annotated bibliography. No linkages between theory and practice.

Points: 20

20 – 18



Below 14


Introduction & Conclusion

Includes a well-articulated introduction that provides a clear logical description of the content, scope and organization of the review.

Conclusion identifies unique and original insights based on and supported by scholarly works.

Includes introduction that describes the content, scope and organization of the review. Conclusion identifies some recognizable original insights.

Introduction outlines the contents of the review. Conclusion contains few original insights. Is mainly repetitive of other content.

Either no introduction is provided, or the introduction partially addressed the contents of the review. No conclusion or partial provided.

Points: 20

20 – 18



Below 14



80 - 72

71 - 68

67 – 66

Below 66



1Copyright © 2019 University of Maryland University College. Do not post or share outside of MRKT 601, Section 9040, Summer 2019.

2The Marketing Program adheres to the Departmental Policy on Originality of work. This policy appears in the syllabus for this course in the Grading Information section and reads in part, “The work in this class must be your own and original to this course. Work prepared for other courses or use of material obtained from other students is expressly prohibited and can result in a grade of zero "0" for the assignment and/or course failure...”This means you may not reuse work in this paper that you have submitted in a prior course, either at UMUC or elsewhere. The major paper will be submitted to Turnitin.com by the instructor.