Go 36 hours without using ANY electronic media.  NO phones, computers, social media, television, radio, etc.  You can still read, listen to live music, or watch a play, but NO Instagram, Snapchat, Fac

1.5 pages



 you can choose one of the topics also its gone be 1 1/2 page

Please use your first paragraph to summarize the article you've chosen to reflect on. For the remainder of the paper please give your thoughts, opinions, and ideas of the article. The best Reflection Papers are 1.5-2 pages in length, provide a clear opinion or idea, and is convincing as to why you feel as you do.
Other Tips: Think about who, what, when, where, and why. Is it a primary or secondary source? Did the author have biases? If so, what were they? In the first paragraph you should summarizes the article. The rest of the essay should talk about why you think this article is important to American history and what you found interesting about the article. When writing the paper avoid using personal pronouns such as I think, etc. Make sure to use correct grammar