Answer all questions completely. You should answer the questions in essay form, providing an ARGUMENT for why your "strong" website should be considered strong, and why your "weak" website should be

Chapter Prep Assignment 4: Chapter 4

Due date: 9/20/2019

Points possible: 15

This assignment is based on Chapter 4, and the Becker et al. (2009) and Chang et al. (2010) articles. Pick and answer three questions and upload your responses to the dropbox created for the assignment. For each assignment, at least one of your questions should be based on an academic article.

For the discussion on the DB, pick one of the questions that you answered and copy and post that question and its answer to the DB forum. Post a response that you think will aid your classmates the most.

1. Chapter 4 discusses the role of the “human factor” in organizational CRM. List and discuss two elements of the human factor that impact development and implementation of CRM within organizations. Write at least 3-4 sentences about each element.

2. What do you understand by the term organizational environment, when it comes to development and implementation of CRM in an organization? List and discuss two elements of the organizational environment that impact development and implementation of CRM. Write at least 3-4 sentences about each element.

3. List and describe two reasons that an organization’s value chain is important to its CRM effectiveness. Write at least 3-4 sentences about each reason.

4. Describe the case of a company that you know of that exemplifies the importance of value chain members to the success of an organization’s CRM efforts (‘Theory in Action’). Write at least 6 sentences in your response.

5. Briefly explain the model tested in the study conducted by Becker, Greve, & Albers (2009); and state three findings from their study.

6. Describe two of the main findings by Chang et al. (2010) regarding the impact of CRM technology on organizational performance.