The goal of the project is to discover, describe and analyze some important technologies - processes as well as materials - that have influenced (directly or indirectly) the design of three artifacts

Original Question:

Topic: Chapter 8 Case Study - Supervision

  1. How important is First Line Supervisory Training?

  2. Do you agree with the manner in which Sergeant Rick handled this situation?

  3. How would you have handled this situation?

APA citations/references required


Reply to the following response with *** 300 words minimum, including direct questions to the post ***. (please make response as if having a conversation, respond directly to some of the statements in below post. This is not providing an analysis of the original post. Respectfully address it and even ask clarifying or additional questions.)

Responding to a classmate’s post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Reply posts that merely affirm, restate or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.

** These responses are to be informative and contribute to advancing the knowledge of the topic **.


1. How important is first line supervisory training? 

Training of any type for a supervisory or management role. A person can work in the same job for many years then be promoted to a supervisor and manager and still need to learn how to manage tasks, eemployees,and situations one deals with that they have not in their former position. There is no single approach to managing but there are guidelines, key issues, and concepts that can greatly help in many situations. Supervisors need to learn how to delegate tasks, define job responsibilities, assign tasks, and set goals (Stojkovic, et. al., 2015). These roles and how to manage and carry them out are learned over time and having training is very important starting out. FIrst line leadership training is a 3 day course for law enforcement employees to learn leadership and management skills to newly promoted individuals in leadership. The course is important because it equips them more fully to be able to handle the job and complete is successfully. Starting out in a leadership role is quite intimidating and overwhelming and this allows individuals to become equipped to handle many types of situations and responsibilities (

2. Do you agree with the manner in which sergeant rick handled the situation?

Overall, I do agree with how he handled the situation as a newly promoted sergeant. I would have also enforced the rules strictly as a new supervisor. I think it would have been more detrimental to not stand his ground and allow officer johnson to push back on the rule. Sergeant rick was doing his job and enforcing protocol. However, the sergeant could have been more helpful in the situation since no one could or would switch with the officer. Perhaps even offering to help cover the shift.I understand why the lieutenant was highly upset, as it was something that could have been resolved among the two officers and not brought to the lieutenant (Stojkovic, et. al., 2015). 

3. How would you have handled this? 

After speaking with the officer and letting him know of the policy, I also would have informed him that he would not be able to take a day off but could try to get it covered. It is a very hard situation since rick was trying to be loyal to his former officers/coworkers and meet the demands of the lieutenant. I would not have brought the case to the lieutenant unless that was absolutely the protocol for that situation. I would have let the officer know if it happened again he would receive disciplinary action and the lieutenant would have to be involved then. If i felt very strongly like my actions were undermined like rick did after speaking with the lieutenant I would meet with the lieutenant to ask him where I went wrong and how I could have handled the siuation properly. Also, what I need to do to make sure it did not happen again. 


Stojkovic, Stan, et., al. Criminal Justice Organozations: Administration and Management.Cengage Learning. 2015.,


As I have stated in previous postings, merit and years of service should be required for a promotion in the criminal justice field because it endows them with a necessary understanding of how things operate.  However, if this is a promotion to a supervisory role, the individual should have proper training and must be adequately evaluated to ensure their capability to lead and supervise others.   According to an article written by William Sturgeon (2010) the first line supervisors in the field of criminal justice serve as a sort of middleman between staff and management, ensuring department/agency policies are communicated properly and adhered to.  These supervisors should also be able to control morale while directing subordinates. 

As is the case with Sergeant Rick in our text, many promoted officers will have some years of experience of the job they will now be supervising others to do.  That knowledge is great for a supervisor, but training for first line supervisors is also crucial.  These training sessions can offer communication skills, report writing skills, information on how to administer discipline, an understanding of missions and goals of the agency, and steps to be well versed in policies and procedures (Sturgeon, 2010).  Before anyone applies for a promotion or supervisory position, classes that offer this necessary education should be taken, and passed. Had this type of class been available in Sampson Correctional Institute, Sergeant Rick’s 20 years of service may have felt better.

Had Lieutenant Murray received education on how to properly treat his subordinates and create an efficient work environment, this situation could have been handled much more efffectively.  Sergeant Rick may have even continued his service loner than 20 years in additional managerial positions; but we will never know.  I would have handled the situation almost exactly as Sergeant Rick did.  When asked by Officer Johnson, he told him that, according to the sick-leave/personal day policies, he would have to switch shifts in order to receive the day off.  Sergeant Rick made a home visit, per department policy, and felt obligated to report Officer Johnson’s abuse of sick leave.  Johnson then acted immaturely when told he would be disciplined, even after being denied his request by his supervisor. 

I believe that Sergeant Rick actions were appropriate because they were by-the-book and adhered to the code of conduct he followed.  He weighed the consequences of his actions in the sense that he was worried how he would be perceived by his subordinates and superiors.  Even without the necessary first line supervisory training, Sergeant Rick developed an appropriate, legitimate plan that adhered to departmental policy regarding Officer Johnson’s absence.  It was Lieutenant Murray that failed to act accordingly.  He undermined Sergeant Rick and contributed to his newfound lack of dedication and care for the job.  It is important for supervisors, of all fields, to have a quality understanding of department policies and procedures, as well as an education on how properly communicate with subordinates and discipline them if necessary; hence, first line supervisory training.


Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas. (2015). Criminal justice organizations: Administration and management - Custom (6th ed.). Florence, KY: Wadsworth Publishing. ISBN: 9781337903554.

Sturgeon, W. (2010). The first line supervisor: where the rubber meets the road. where criminal justice never sleeps. Retrieved from



** Please don’t just rephrase their info, but respond to it. Remember to answer question at the end if there is one. **