This is a part of my marketing project. The main problem is making a proper marketing plan for a start up in Sydney called Arula. The description of the start up and their product are mentioned in the

Workshop Time: 12th August 2019 – 6pm

Group Number: 5

Venture name: Arula

One Sentence Description: 3D printing breast prosthesis which are seamless with the body for women who have mastectomies due to Breast cancer, an ideal painless replacement for breast surgery

Industry Category: Healthcare + Fashion

Founded Date: 26th April 2019

Product/Service Description: The main product is described as a translucent bra/tank top made of skin friendly material that help to improve aesthetic and confidence of cancer women. 40 different shapes of women breast are available and can be customised base on customers' preference. A connecting mobile app will be designed and launched soon which help customers to proactively scan the shape of their breast and send to Arula confidentially.

Current/Proposed Target Market: Current target: Women who fight against breast cancer and do not choose to take breast surgery. Further potential target: LBTG+

Main Competitors: New Zealand Company with the product is breast chip padding.

Cofounders & Background: No cofounders. CEO is Surithi – UTS science student.

Number of Employees: CEO – Founder – Surithi, COO – Operation and Customer Service Manager – Jane, 1 engineer working on product/app/technology development.

Current revenue: They do no charge on customers because the government has a fund for breast cancer patients and they will pay back to Arula. Business is working on their first stages of product developments. There is no current customers yet; however, they have their waiting pioneer customers to test the products.

Marketing Budget: Surithi has shared that she has not have plan for any marketing activity in the next 6 months.

Existing Marketing Activities: They have no existing marketing activities. However, they are on their way to build up and develop an official website of Arula.

Major Marketing Challenges

The most challenge marketing issue we can deploy from the interview is that they are currently has no direction in making a proper marketing plan for the product. All three member of the team has no background and expertise in marketing field that can guide them to make the marketing plan.

Besides that, the product is still new to the market, especially their target customer – who already has concern on their health when fighting with cancer, they need to deliver the right message on the right channel to gain their awareness and trust on the product.

Major Nonmarketing Challenges

The CEO shared with us that currently they are on the stage of product idea generation and concept testing. There is no challenge at the moment as everything is going on the right track as they planned.

Expectation for Your Marketing Plan

We are going to help them in creating an advertising campaign on social media (online) and in hospital/women healthcare institutes (offline) to build customer awareness about the product.

Communication Plan

Our group will keep in touch with Surithi via email to obtain more information about the startup and the progress of the product development.

Other Notes: Where the idea comes from?

Surithi got the idea of making the product for cancer women by a chance when she went back to her country India. She went to a village and witnessed a heartbreaking situation when 2 cancer women who had breast removed that were not allowed to enter to the village. The reason was they were not considered as women anymore when they had their breast removed, therefore, they were not allowed to meet their husbands and children who lives in the village. Surithi could not stand seeing those situation to happen to any women who have already suffered from cancer, therefore she decided to create this start up.