I am in need of an "A" paper. The paper is enclosed please follow the attachments for directions, make corrections to include errors, and add to any questions I did not answer. Please add Saint Leo Un

PRM 522 Best Practices Portfolio Guidelines and Requirements Based on all the knowledge you gain through this class and specifically the hundreds of best practices you encounter, you are to develop a best practices program or library for your co mpany of choice. In your Best P ractices Portfolio, you are to choose several key areas that are specific to your organization and establish a set of best practices for each key area. As an example, if you choose a manufacturing company , your key best practices areas might include, contract negotiation, material pricing, in bound logistics, outbound logistics, purchasing and requisition, inventory control, production control, and/or finished goods inventory to name a few. Your objective is to choose several key results areas that are critical to the type of company that you choose, evaluate, and implement several best practices within each key results area. By now you should know that service, retail, and manufacturing all have differing key results areas. Even though some key results areas may be the same, the best practic es may differ between industries, companies, and departments. You are required to integrate the Saint Leo University Core Value of responsible stewardship into your Best Practices Portfolio. Since you are dealing with raw materials, human resources, and capital resources the responsible stewardship Core Value will easily mesh with any set of best practices. Lastly, your Best Practices Portfolio must contain some sound conclusions and/or recommendations based on your research about best practices. Make s ure that your conclusion or recommendations present something specific in nature that are not a rehash of information in the textbook or articles you read in the class. You must present a strong program of best practices that a company can implement and m onitor to help enhance its effectiveness, efficiency, profitability, quality, or customer satisfaction. Your Best Practices Portfolio will be due to the appropriate course Dropbox Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 7. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turn itin.) Formatting Guidelines 1) Include a cover page: Project Description, Name, Date, Class Name, and Professor’s Name. 2) Table of Contents: Outline of portfolio’s contents. 3) An a bstract is not required for this short paper. 4) Written content must contain 4 - 7 pages (Not counting references and title page) 5) References — Minimum of 7 citations (2 direct quotes) and 5 sources 6) Must be written in essay format (not Q & A formatting ) 7) APA formatting required: a) Use a 12 -point font (e.g ., Ariel, Courier, or Times New Roman). b) Use double -line spacing in your document. c) Standard indented paragraphs. d) One -inch margins all around document. 8) Headings are required to break up the document into logical sections: a) Introduction or Background. b) Analysis or Current Issues. c) Conclusions or Recommendations. d) Reference section. e) You may choose your own heading names specific to your work and the aforementioned headings are listed as examples. PRM 522 Best Practices Portfolio Guidelines and Requirements Grading Rubric APA style, grammar, composition, sentence structure, paragraph structure, proper use of terminology, and clarity of communication account for 30% of your score. This large percentage is because you must be a good writer in order to communicate well. Good communication skills are critical to be successful in today’s business environment and especially to be a successful Project Manager. Your submissions will automatically be evaluated by Turnitin.com for plagiarism. Percentages over 20% are marginal and a ny submission over 25% is unacceptable. Competency Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficiency, Knowledge, and Depth of Analysis Supports premises with specific examples and theories 14-15 points Refers to examples or theories from the readings to support premises 12-13 points Alludes to the readings in a general way to support premises 11 points Does not refer to the readings to support premises 0-10 points Integration of Personal Knowledge and Real -World Observations Integrates personal observations and knowledge in an accurate and highly insightful way. 14-15 points Integrates personal observations and knowledge in an accurate way. 12-13 points Integrates personal observatio ns and knowledge in a cursory manner. 11 points Does not integrate personal observations or knowledge 0-10 points Organization, formulation, logic, and Identification of Key Points in Assignments Assignments are organized, points of response are distinct, and information is logically sequenced key points are made obvious 14-15 points Assignments are organized, points of response is distinct, and information is logically sequenced. 12-13 points Assignments are somewhat disorganized, points of response is distinct, but information is not logically sequenced. 11 points Assignments are disorganized, points of response is not distinct, and information is not logically sequenced 0-10 points Demonstration of Theoretical Knowledge and Real World Application Terminology matches PMI Standards and messages are crisp and persuasive. 14-15 points Terminology matchesPMI Standards and class material completely. 12-13 points Terminology partially matches PMI Standards and class material. 11 points PMI Standard terminology is ignored or misused. 0-10 points Word Choice, Terminology, Sentence Structure, and Paragraph Structure Word choice, terminology, sentence structure, and paragraph structure are suitable for graduate level work. 9-10 points Word choice, terminology, sentence structure, and paragraph structure are suitable for graduate level work. 8 points Word choice, terminology, sentence structure, and paragraph structure are not suitable for graduate level work. 7 points Word choice, terminology, sentence structure, and paragraph structureare not suitable for university level work. 0-6 points Grammar, Composition and Punctuation Errors are extremely rare. 9-10 points Minimal typographical, spelling, and punctuation errors. 8 points Periodic typographical, spelling, or punctuation errors create reading interruptions. 7 points Regular typographical, spelling, and punctuation errors that create an obstacle. 0-6 points Proper use of APA Formatting Style Superior use of references and citations and effective usage of APA style. 9-10 points Good use of references and citations and/or reasonable usage of APA style. 8 points Some use of references and citations and/or moderate to poor usage of APA style. 7 points Very little use of references and citations and poor usage of APA style. 0-6 points Overall Instructor Evaluation Excellent and is in top 10% of all learner's Assignments Portfolio. 9-10 points Above average and falls in 80% - 89% of all learner's Assignments Portfolio. 8 points Average and falls in 70% - 79% of all learner's Assignments Portfolio. 7 points Below average and falls in less than 69% of all learner's Assignments Portfolio. 0-6 points