I will need to do all the research.

The Researched Essay


You are asked to write a researched essay of about 1500 words on some aspect of a modern literary work. This paper must include in-text citations and a works cited page of at least seven sources. FOUR of your sources must be from the Valencia databases. It must be typed in MLA form.

This paper is worth 500 points!

So what the heck is a researched essay?

A researched essay is your observation about some aspect of a work of FICTION backed up by textual evidence AND criticism. In other words, it is your own thesis (some idea or concept about the work) presented along with evidence from both the literature itself AND the opinions of critics who have considered a similar idea.

For this assignment, you will choose:

1 novel (fiction)


1 play


3 poems by the same author


2 short stories by the same author

Let’s use Hamlet as an example. After reading Hamlet, here’s a statement of an opinion that could be developed into a paper:

Hamlet’s thoughts and actions are typical of an adolescent attempting to break the childhood bonds of parental authority.

Do you recognize this as a potential thesis statement?? Now, all a writer has to do in the paper is prove it. How would one do that? Well, one would rely on specific passages from the play that validate one’s idea as well as critical articles that propose essentially the same thing.

Here’s what you need to do.....

1. Choose an author. Choose someone who you are REALLY interested in, someone who’s been published within the past five centuries. YOU MUST have approval from Prof. Phillips to pursue the author you would like to research! You must submit your literature choice(s) and receive feedback that it is APPROVED.

2. Read the author’s work. Also read some biographical or introductory material about the author.

3. Choose a topic. Find some aspect of the author’s work(s) that interests you then form this topic into a thesis statement. Your topic might involve an element of literature (plot, structure, setting, character, language and so on), the relation of the author’s work to biography or history, how the author’s work defined or changed a genre, or some psychological, religious, social, feminist, or other aspect of the author’s work.

When you have a topic, decide what you want to say about it and form it into a thesis statement. Remember -- a thesis statement is crucial to not only you, the writer, but as a guide to the reader of your paper as well. A thesis statement is more than a topic; it

actually says something about the literature. Here are examples of thesis statements that would work for research papers:

Mark Strand’s poetry, influenced by his interest in architecture, has the same fluid, sparse, quality as the modern skyscraper.

Toni Morrison’s structure in Beloved resembles a patchwork quilt; the pattern is not visible until the quilt is finished.

4. Research what the critics have to say about your author, her/his work, and specifically the topic you’ve chosen. Prepare a rough draft of a Works Cited page that will help you write your paper.

5. Using your own analysis of the literature and the criticism you’ve read, write your paper. Add your in-text citations from your research as you go.

6. Finalize your works cited page of the sources you’ve used.

7. DO NOT USE Wikipedia, Cliff’s Notes, E-Notes, or the like. Those sources are

extremely tertiary and will NOT be considered valid for research!!!

8. Make sure BOTH your rough draft and final copy have an original title designed by you!

DUE DATES ARE ON THE Schedule.........




Sunday, September 8 - DUE: Literature topic choice submission

Sunday, September 22 - DUE: Skeleton Paper

Points: 100 pts.

Sunday, October 6 - DUE: WORKS CITED page (minimum of seven sources)

Points: 100 pts.

Sunday, October 20 - DUE: 1) ROUGH DRAFT of Research paper

-minimum 1,500 words w/ min. seven sources

2) updated WORKS CITED page

Points: 100 pts. altogether

Sunday, November 10 – FINAL COPY due

(Submit EVERYTHING together online via Canvas)

Points: 500 pts.