To make things easier I have both interview already done , just have compare and contrast the two athletic director  Purpose The purpose of this midterm project is to explore the decision making proce

  1. director of athletic , I oversea the 51 programs, and 21 sports team , also the director of summer sports camps, which multiple offering for activity for young kids , also includes arts and craft and variety of sports, also director of coed basketball camps

  2. hardest decision I had to fearness and equity , sport offering at worceseter , to ensure every student athlete , is given fair opportunity to succeed , with their sport of choice, have good positive experience at worcester academy

  3. yes you are always guided to do be the very best , fairness at every level , us as department , we offer our best , yes for the greatest majority , alays ethical approach , your keep in mind and fairness , should be guided light , whenever fairness is involved , it your job to do your best. , wether it families or student athlete , everyone is given an opportunity to have fair n equal opportunity to succeed,. Sometimes there constrains or lot of, coaches, faculty , a perfect example will be jv team , we would like to practice 1hour 30 min , due contrains we are only allowed to practice 1 hour .

  4. I guess It guides the decision making process , we are mindful the decision we make , all those decision our guided by thought process , to keep or add program , is done with good balance , with mindset , its line with current program we are offering .

  5. I think biggest thing with a decesoion, you need have communication , you need check with parents , any decision to change of program , has to be run through other administration in the school , we are checking all constantly one another , to make sure our program is meeting expectation , our parents our alumni , all of your different , head of school , board of trustee , we not making ulatteral decision , , the decision I make are not made of vaccum , its alumni coaches , administration , board of trustee, total openness.

  6. We try be very deleperate , in our assements , before we make final decision , hind sight is 20/20 you can look back , but it past , those decision you have in hand , that your deliberate , final decision you made was very confident , listening to other people . I try look back in my decision making past , in education approach , learn from it . you wish made a different decision , nothing that I try to do or we try do is made up of vaccum , so if when they decision , is made there were many voices , contributed to the decision. I feel like we have lot of voice , in the department , I trust the communicstion and the different voice that need to be heard , program needs to be added or drop , listen to them , what we feel is best interest of the school. We cant keep everyone happy in the school. You have to listen to help make your final decision.

  7. I wasn’t sure , if had athletic at top of my wish list, I really enjoy working with coaches , student athletes , alumni . there never dull moment , . I would put higher on list , trying help people . I never really prepared myself to be athletic , but through my experience , college basketball coach , also educater , my experience were able to translate to be athletic director . greats good for greats number , if u get caught in the weez trying please everyone , it cant have aderverse affect in your program . we have keep big picture in mind , lot of decision you make has axiom .

  8. we trying to develop a program that fit need of program and greatest number of particpants and those who make a commit to your program .