Informative Speech Description When choosing your topic, consider these things:Limit the scope of your topic so that you can discuss a few main points (3) in depth instead of trying to skim over many

Ezequiel Gissara

EAP 1500

Mr. Sanchez

Dec 1 ,

Fire Safety


Fire is one of the most common disasters, with nearly 3,500 fire related deaths annually across the nation according to the National Fire Protection Association. December is Fire Prevention Month, so familiarize yourself with some basic fire safety tips:


Is it getting hot and smoky in here?

  1. Don’t wait to react to a fire emergency.

  2. Different classes of fire extinguisher.

  3. What to do in the event of fire.


I. Don’t wait to react to fire emergency

  1. Know your closest evacuation route.

  2. Know the location of the closest fire extinguisher.

  3. Know your department area’s evacuation plan.

  4. Remember to keep all storage 18” from all sprinkles heads and a clear path to fire exits.

  5. Store flammable materials in proper locations.

  6. Check the batteries in your smoke alarms.

  7. Never leave an open flame.

  8. Smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths.

II. Different classes of fire extinguisher.

  1. Class A.

  2. Class BC.

  3. Class ABC.

  4. Class K.

III. What to do in event of a fire.

  1. Never assume a fire alarm is a drill.

  2. If your clothing or hair catches on fire.

  3. If you are exiting that is dark and smoky.

  4. You should never attempt to reenter a building until is clear.


Now you should know these basic fire safety tips for you prevention.

  1. Don’t wait to react to a fire emergency.

  2. Different classes of fire extinguisher.

  3. What to do in the event of fire.


At work you are trained to know plan and evacuation routes, and emergency evacuation route diagrams are posted on every floor of a public building. At home, speak with your family to establish a meeting location outside of the home in the event of an evacuation. Talk about where your fire alarms and fire extinguishers are, and when it is appropriate to use them. Use the correct type of fire extinguisher (A, BC, ABC), based on the source of the fire.

Do NOT attempt to use a fire extinguisher on a fire larger than an office trash can or if the fire is Dispreading, as being near an uncontrolled fire puts you in the greatest danger.

Note: You should only use a fire extinguisher if you feel comfortable in attempting to suppress the fire and can do so safely.


Web site: or

Book : Fire safety by Harris Anderson Chandni Chowk, Delhi. Global Medic 2009