hi, i need help to write an paragraph about the below tools each tools with 200 words: Learning AgilityLadder of InferenceVUCASTEEPPoints of ManifestationPoint of ImpactPoint of OriginCausal Layered

Exploring the external environment When you are reading (scanning) the background for your project, you will be trying to identify trends. When we are scanning we can look at trends in three different ways. Firstly, we can scan to understand what enables the trend to start, which is the point of manifestation . Secondly, we can try understand what causes the trend to start from a human perspective , or the point of origin . Finally, we can try understand how the trend will affect us. This is know n as the point of impact . Point of Manifestation This is probably the most common way of reading about trends, because it involves a broad focus involving the STEEP categories . We are therefore trying to understand what enables the trend to start . In other words, what pushes or drives it? For example, a common trend nowadays is the increase in machines doing what people used to do. This of course is driven by the developments in technology , such as, robots or artificial intelligence . So we can say that the reason more and more jobs are being done by robots is simply because we have developed technology, in the form of robots , that can do more and more complex tasks. Point of Origin One of the main reasons why t rends emerge is because what people think is important in their lives , or values, has changed. Think ab out changes in patterns of work. For example, p eople i n many countries today seem to expect more flexibility in the way they manage their lives, for example, more flexible work hours . A tre nd like this is driven by changes in value systems, for example, like wanting to be more independent or having more of a balance between the time spent working and doing things in your free time, or work -life balance. Understanding how what we want, expect or value in life, and how this is creating trends can be very useful . This is because we may be able to predict what changes might emerge in the future in different areas. For example, if we notice that people are spending more and more time online in their personal lives, we could predict that this trend might begin to start appearing in the workplace too . Point of Impact How a trend affects society is, of course, another very important question. If we want to be able to start thinking about how a trend might play out in the future we need to assess what effect it is having today. Below is an example of how the three ways of scanning mentioned in this article can be used to help understand what effects a trend can have in the future. Let’s take a trend like collaborative consumption, which is the sharing of assets like bicycles to get around a city, or even something like wedding dresses. If we were to research this trend from the point of manifestation we might find that the reason this trend has emerged is that it is more economical as well as environmentally friendly (ST EE P) . In other words, the trend is driven by economic and environmental reasons. However, when we look at why people have decided to start sharing things like bicycles, we may find that it is because they think it is better to share resources than for everyone to have their own . In other words, they value sharing above private ownership. This is related to their value systems and is known as the point of origin . Finally, in terms of how this might impact other areas of our lives other than transport, in the case of bicycles , we may find that if enough people do this there will be a decrease in pollution as well as less traffic on the roads. This in turn might lead to increases in productivity as people have less sick days, or spe nd more time at work as opposed to spending time in traffic. Indirectly, and perhaps over a longer period of time, this value shift from ‘ownership’ to sharing might lead to sharing non -material resources, for example, companies might start sharing differe nt thi ngs, like talent or expertise. All of these possible effects are called the point of impact . Adapted from: Salvatico, Y. M. & Spencer, F. (2018). Kedge Strategic Foresight Primer: unlock the futurist mindset. Retrieved June, 2, 2018 from The Futures School: http://thefuturesschool.com/wp - content/uploads/2018/04/kedge_foresight -primer -PACKAGED_final.pdf