My research topic question is "What affect does overexposure of Mobile phone have on Toddlers?" I have attached instruction on how to write this paper. I have also attached the example essay below to

Annotated Bibliography

This is an information gathering exercise. Four sources should be placed in works cited form and briefly summarized. After each summary, you must also include a brief commentary of how you might use that source. 

You will be required four sources for the bibliography. 

You are summarizing an article and then responding to it. You can agree or disagree with the information you read. For example, you can ask if it was convincing information. Why was it convincing? Was the evidence presented in a logical manner? How was the article organized? Did they have statistics or stories to back up their claims? Etc. Keep in mind that you are describing THIS source – NOT the topic itself.

But you must also go further than this kind of response, you MUST SHOW how you will use this information for your own argument. Is it useful information to you and what your researched argument will be? What parts could you paraphrase as support for your own argument? Would you use any direct quotes from here? What parts would be useful for a counterargument? 

Steps to complete this assignment:


  1. Find at least four articles to read.

  2. READ the articles and take notes about what the main idea is. You can’t just read the abstract and summarize from that. I can tell when that happens and the summaries are never as good.


  1. Summarize each of these articles in about 5-7 sentences.

  1. A summary of each article should include the following:

    • the identity of the writer

    • the implied or explicit audience

    • what kind of article it is – a newspaper article? A scholarly research paper? Etc.

    • the main point or claim

    • the kinds of evidence used to support the claim

    • how the author presents the information


  1. Evaluate the article: is it well-written? Does it have a thesis? Is it trying to convince you of something? Does it succeed? What kind of evidence do they use? Is this a reliable source?

  1. Question the article: are you left with any unexplained questions? Is there something you wish the article explained that it didn’t?

  1. Based on your research come up with what you think your basic argument will be for your research essay. Write one sentence explaining what your basic argument is.

  1. Explain how this article will help your argument for your own researched argument essay: which quotes or examples do you plan to use? Does this agree with your argument? Or could pieces be used as a counterargument?


  • Each annotation should be at least two paragraphs, consisting of your summary of the article and your response to it. Each annotation should be at least half a page. 

  • Three MLA citations.

    • The OWL Purdue site and El Centro’s MLA information will be helpful

  • With your assignment, you must also turn in these items:

    • All three of your sources as PDFs or other text documents.

    • One completely filled out Book InSights Template.