I have to write a Visual Rhetorical Analysis paper over a political cartoon of my choice (abortion). https://www.mercurynews.com/

Visual Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet


The Rhetorical Situation Circuit

Instructions: Now that you have selected your political cartoon or advertisement for the Visual Rhetorical Analysis essay, it’s time to start organizing notes on your image. In this worksheet, you will complete the rhetorical situation “circuit” below. Take time with each part of the circuit to create thoughtful and well-developed notes.

The Creator

  • Perform a “background check” on the political cartoonist (name, newspapers / magazines in which their works has been published, possible political affiliation, typical subjects / topics in their work) or on the organization / company behind the advertisement (what is the company’s / organization’s “mission statement” or values? What is its reputation? What products does it make? What is it known for?)

  • Name : Bob Englehart

  • From: Middletown, CT

  • Bay Area News Group

  • Newspaper Brand : The Mercury News and East Bay Times

Topic: Opinion newsletter

  • Political Cartoon: New Abortion Laws Spark National Protest

  • Mission Statement: “Our mission is to inform Bay Area communities by telling accurate and compelling stories that make an impact.


  • What is the purpose of the political cartoon or advertisement: inform, persuade, evaluate, or interpret? How do you know?

  • The purpose of the political cartoon is to inform us that many national protest are happening because the GOP and those who agree with them are Pro Life while others are Pro Choice.


  • Identify the likely target audience(s) for the political cartoon or advertisement. What clues in the image suggest that that group(s) are relevant to the image?

  • Engage in an audience profile / map of each audience you have identified. Remember that an audience profile involves identifying the demographical information about that group (age, gender(s), socio-economic background, religious and political affiliations, etc.), as well as identifying the specific values and beliefs that define that audience.

  • Once you have identified the values and beliefs relevant to each audience, explain how the image is appealing to or challenging those values and beliefs.

  • The targeted audience are women of all ages, religions, socio economic background, and political affiliation and most men in the government. The clues are the picture of a women’s reproductive organ and the man inside it.

  • The values and beliefs of those who are Pro Life believe that abortion should be banned and that a fetus is a form of life.

  • The values and beliefs of those who are Pro Choice believe that it’s the woman’s choice if she decides to keep the child or not.

  • The image is challenging the Pro Choice audience because they know that the government is strong which means they have to be even stronger.

  • The image is appealing to the Pro Life audience because of their values and beliefs.

The Message

  • Identify the message(s), both primary and secondary of the image and what clues or cues are provided in the image that tell you that is the message

  • The message of the image is explain how much control GOP is trying to have over a woman’s body. The Clue is the man saying “I decide what goes on in here”. (Pro Choice)

The Context and Culture

  • Learn about when the image you selected was produced: what year to start.

  • Once you know the year (or more preferably, specific date) the political cartoon was created, or the advertisement was made, do more research: was the political cartoon created in response to a specific event or series of events? Is the advertisement responding to a specific event in our culture, or perhaps a change in the culture?

  • Regarding a political cartoon, what is the “history” of the subject being examined? Outline important moments or aspects of that history that may be informing or influencing the cartoon.

  • What is the Kairos of the image?

  • What is the doxa of the image?

  • Date: May 22, 2019

  • The cartoon was created in the response of the many protest with Pro Life vs Pro Choice

  • The conversations about this topic has always been around but it really became important when laws about abortion were trying to be made.

  • Kairos: As soon as the abortion rate increased, laws were trying to made.

  • Doxa: Everyone has their own opinion about this topic ( more than being either pro-life or pro-choice)

22, 2019