Need a marketing plan to be written on a pizza restaurant which delivers using drone and its name is STROKES PIZZA , its just a marketing plan hence need the below elements met. The below elements mus

These are the concepts that needs to be included

Please wite the marketing plan according to these segmentations

Marketing Plan Outline

1. Organizational overview

  1. Name of organization

  2. Mission statement, organization’s basic values and philosophy

  3. Geographic location

5. Segmentation

a. Criteria

b. Target market(s)

6. Differentiation and positioning

7. Stage of the product life cycle

8. Marketing mix

a. Product/service

- Type – good, service, idea etc

- Features – how will it be different from the competitors?

- Identification – brand name, label and packaging

- Production method/delivery of service

b. Price

- Pricing strategy

- Profit-oriented

- Sales-oriented

- Status quo

10. Control/monitor

- Feedback mechanism to monitor progress

- Evaluation process

- Performance objectives (quantifiable elements)

- Profit margin

- Market share

- Promotional effectiveness

- Market penetration