The questions are in the word file


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Case 1:

Tony Soprano and Jennifer Melfi are day-shift supervisors at SAP Call Center’s Philadelphia, PA, facility. SAP provides contract call center services for a number of companies, including banks and major retail companies. Tony and Jennifer have both been with the company for slightly more than five years, having joined SAP right after graduating with bachelor’s degrees from the University of Texas. As they walked down the hall together after the weekly staff meeting, the two friends were discussing the assignment they were just handed by Junior Soprano, the division manager. The assignment came out of a discussion at the meeting in which one of SAP’s clients wanted a report describing the calls being handled for them by SAP. Junior had asked Tony and Jennifer to describe the data in a file called SAP Call Center and produce a report that would both graphically and numerically analyze the data. The data are for a sample of 57 calls and for the following variables: Account Number, Caller Gender, Account Holder Gender, Past Due Amount, Current Account Balance, Nature of Call (Billing Question or Other). By the time they reached their office, Tony and Jennifer had out lined some of the key tasks that they needed to do.

1. Develop bar charts showing the mean and median current account balance by gender of the caller. (16 points)

2. Develop bar charts showing the mean and median current account balance by gender of the account holder. (16 points)

3. Construct a scatter diagram showing current balance on the horizontal axis and past due amount on the vertical axis. (16 points)

4. Compute the key descriptive statistics for the center and for the variation in current account balance broken down by gender of the caller, gender of the account holder, and nature of the call. (16 points)

5. Repeat task 4 but compute the statistics for the past due balances. (16 points)

6. Compute the coefficient of variation for current account balances for male and female account holders. (16 points)

7. Develop frequency and relative frequency distributions for the gender of callers, gender of account holders, and nature of the calls. (16 points)

8. Develop joint frequency and joint relative frequency distributions for the account holder gender by whether or not the account has a past due balance. (16 points)

9. Write a report to SAP’s client that contains the results for tasks 1–8 along with a discussion of these statistics and graphs. (16 points)

Case 2:

At the David J. Joseph corporation, lumber mill logs arrive by truck and are scaled (measured to determine the number of board feet) before they are dumped into a log pond. Figure below illustrates the basic flow.

The questions are in the word file 1

The mill manager must determine how many scale stations to have open during various times of the day. If he has too many stations open, the scalers will have excessive idle time and the cost of scaling will be unnecessarily high. On the other hand, if too few scale stations are open, some log trucks will have to wait. The manager has studied the truck arrival patterns and has determined that during the first open hour (7:00 a.m.–8:00 a.m.), the trucks randomly arrive at 12 per hour on average. Each scale station can scale 6 trucks per hour (10 minutes each). If the manager knew how many trucks would arrive during the hour, he would know how many scale stations to have open.

The questions are in the word file 2

However, the number of trucks is a random variable and is uncertain.

10. Your task is to provide guidance for the decision. (Compute the probability of a scale having idle time and the probability of one or more trucks having to wait.) (16 points)

Instructions: Submit this word file that includes screenshots of Excel solutions for each question. Submit an Excel file that includes solutions for both cases. Submit deliverables to D2L. Hard copies are not accepted.