This question deals on the subject of Marketing formated in MLA writing format, 12.0 Times New Roman and double spaced. The question needs the student to analyze and discuss in full the role of inform

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Information and communication technology is a shortened form of information technology (IT).ICT is defined as the sum total of all the information systems interconnected to the computer networks and that are linked on one service line or links.

The main theme of the paper is to discuss the various trends in field of communication .Business organizations have been using communication channels which are with time not effective in reaching its customers due to so many disadvantages associated with this means. Some of the major reasons why the business organizations need to change their means of passing information are as follows.

Print media has been one of the most used channels of commutation over years in business organizations (Quain). Print media includes magazines, newspapers and journals. With time this means of communication has been left out because of the following reasons. Print media does not cover a wide range of customer and therefore need to get a globally serving media .Print media if also valid at a particular range of time for example a newspaper is printed daily ,while magazines re printed annually or monthly. The information may not have been read by the target group within the specified time frame.

The business organization has been with time using television and radio to advertise their products. Although his means have a wide coverage of the customers it is advantaged in such a way that these products are so expensive to purchase and for maintenance .This calls for an upgraded form of information technology. The following are some of the modern channels of communication that a business may employ in order to achieve its objectives.

Communication channel is a means in which the business reaches the customers in order to buy their products. In this decade there have been so much technologic advancements and therefore there is need to choose best marketing channels for their products. Internet-based communication is one of the effective means of advertising the organizations products .This means of communication is wireless ,since it uses the airwaves frequency and hence is able to reach global market (Duggal) .Examples of internet-based organization is the use of E-mail. Websites.

Another means of communication a business organization may use to advertise their products is social meadia.Social media is defined as the state of an individual being online or connected for the purposes of making friends, for the purposes of romantic love and personal reasons. Today social media had been used greatly by companies to advertise their products. Is vital to note that this means can only be used by customer to customer communication and the company manager is not able to control such communication .Example of such is Facebook,Linkln and Twitter and MySpace. A business that uses social media is assured of wide variety of customer all over r the globe, and hence more chances of making profit which is mainly the major objective of a business.

Cellphone application is also another mean of technology advanced way of communication and product advertisement method. It is categorized by a computerized application being installed in a mobilephone.Today it is possible to order an item using mobile running applications and the employee is able to work even at home. The customer is some cases able to get the products at their local residence through the free delivery aftersales service.

Managers using the cellphone applications is able to carry out various activities in the business organization .They are able to collect data by sending texts messages to their clients and even the employees of the business. In this way the manager is able to get a variety of feedback and can use the information obtained to evaluate the success of the business. The customers able even to join the company groups together with their fellow company employees.

Through internet-based communication, the business is able to carry out promotional services which a company may choose to give to their customers .For example by use of E-mails, the business is able to let the buyers know of their prevailing promotions in a particular good by sending a text .Company website is also a vital tool in playing the same role in the company.

Sending E-mails to the prospective buyers could cover a wide range of buyers globally and therefore the message sent should be aimed at public audience. These calls for a proper choose of language. The message should have a more clear subject to explain significantly on the type of product being advertised for (WOMEN). The text should literally start with greetings followed by a short and brief description of the product. It is also vital to thank the audience at the end of the message.

A proper channel of communication should contain the sender who encodes the message which the main aim of communication. Means of communication should be updated as discussed above followed by the receiver who in return will decode the text and latter give out the feedback to the company.

Work cited

Duggal, Nikita. "8 Top Technology Trends for 2019 And The Jobs They’Ll Create". Simplilearn.Com, 2019, Accessed 26 Aug 2019

Quain, Sampson. "Traditional Communication Channels". Smallbusiness.Chron.Com, 2018,

WOMEN, UN. "Determining Communication Channels". Endvawnow.Org, 2019,