this is my week 5 final that I need help with. In order to know what to do, you have to read the entire week 5 assignment instructors guidance. and the article " Presence of online reader comments lo
The Final Exam Part 2 paper
Tatyana Rodgers
PSY325: Statistics for the Behavioral & Social Sciences
Professor Brandon Cosley
The Final Exam Part 2 paper
The purpose of this paper is to raise questions about the effects of the readers comments on online news credibility. The findings that were found in this research is that the same features and readers comments that makes the online news more appealing. The outcome that researchers have found out that encouraging commenting establishes conversations and discussions on different topics. The questions that are being asked from the data that has been collected are between the two systems that they have. The two systems that the commenters are separated into are the native and the non-native commenting systems. “Native commenting systems refers to commenting platforms that are unique to a specific website and embedded in the website’s content itself. A native system’s primary benefit is to give site operators greater creative and editorial control over user comments, for both practical and ethical reasons.” (Conlin & Roberts, 2016) “Non-native, third-party commenting systems (such as Facebook Comments and Disqus) require users to log into an existing account in order to leave comments. Non-academic sources have noted that sites which allow social-media login such as Facebook comments for their commenting “promise real-time conversations, streamlined moderation functionality and better spam filtering.” (Conlin & Roberts, 2016)
The questions that are being asked I this research paper consist of four different questions: Does the presence of reader comments on a news story affect messenger and/or message credibility? Does the type of commenting system (native or non-native) affect messenger and/or message credibility? Does the method of moderation (pre-moderation or post-moderation) affect messenger or/or message credibility? Does the amount that a person reads or comments on online news affect their perceptions of messenger and/or message credibility?
The methods used to conduct this study consists of them using a 2x2 experiment to test the effects of the commenting systems and comment moderation on the perceived messages and the messenger credibility. The two independent variables that are focused on in this paper are the type of commenting system (native or non-native) and the method of moderation (pre-moderation vs. post-moderation). This experiment resulted in a total of four experiments, that also involved a post-test method that measured the responses, where the different participants were exposed to only the five story treatments, as well as the in between subjects. This experiment involved participants that were randomly chose to partake in this data collection. The experiment included an online story that consisted of 500 words from the Tuscaloosa News. Each researcher had a chance to read and state their opinion on the article in the comments. Each story only featured about nine readers.
The researchers conducted an ANOVA test that consisted of about 388 people total, they conducted a search from the ANOVA test for each one of the questions that were established. They then gathered the means and the SDs for each research question. For the first research question after combining the experimental conditions to compare to the control group the ANOVA test revealed that people who were not exposed to any of the comment received more of a messenger credibility. For research question two the ANOVA test between commenting system type and messenger credibility revealed that the difference between the means had no significance. Question three revealed that between moderation type and messenger credibility it was no significance which means the moderation type had no effect on either messenger or messenger credibility. Lastly question four revealed that there was no significance between messenger credibility and amount of news read online or even with the amount that a person comments only and messenger credibility. But there was a significance between the amount that a person does comment online and the overall perception of the messenger credibility.
Going through the discussions section you can see that the study assessed the relationships between the different types of commenting and the moderation on messenger and message credibility. Neither one of the types had any kind of effect on the message or the message credibility. The experiment was all combined and they were compared to a control group which it had no comments. The downfall of this experiment was that the results aren’t wholly inconsistent with the previous literature assertion that credibility is a complicated an multi-faceted construct. The study does suggest that the perception of the credibility of online news might be a more long-term process that has to rely on a person’s history of consumption of the online news. I think that the researcher could’ve expanded that research and seen the findings of social media commenting. The effects of how people react to the stories posted online some fake news and some factual. I do like how the researcher used the right research questions to evaluate and come up with the right data to fit the ANOVA test.
The main point of this research was to see if the findings of participants commenting on online news reports would have an effect on messages and message credibility. Could the researcher participants who were randomly chosen for this test make the article creditable or ruin the credibility of the article. The study did show that news organizations may take hits in its credibility by simply allowing the readers to comment on the news stories online. The results can and will sometimes trouble the news. The limitations of this article could cause some issues because the results are based solely on one article and not a variety or and article of the participants interests. This research can statistically apply to my career because I can analyze the effects of the outcome from each research question and apply it to a different study of my choice when dealing with my patients. This will give me the ability to not only treat others the proper way but it also gives me the knowledge needed with the statistics of a situation that a patient might be going through I can compare there results to the data that is collected in similar test and treat them to the best of my abilities.
Conlin, L & Roberts, C (2016) Presence of online readers comments lowers news sites credibility