Should employers be able to fire workers based on what they post on social media? Why or why not?

NGUYEN 1 Thao Nguyen Sean Pinkos ENGL 2113 -X22 March 22 , 2020 W3 Assignment Employers should not be able to fire workers based on what I and/or any employee post on social media. I don’t agree with them controlling what I do outside my scheduled work hours. I am not on the clock nor should I have to give up my freedom of speech and/or press . I have freedom of speech and/or press; I am a loud to say what I want. It is a part of the US constitution , the first amendment for me to have the freedom of speech and press . The First Amendment protects a few basic things, freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly. As long as I am not threatening someone or something, posting obscenity, fraud, child pornography and falsifying . My workplace and my social media platform are completely different. One should not interfere and have nothing to do with the other. It is my personal social media not work related . I should be able to vent about my day if I want too without the repercussions of the possibility of being first for what I post on social medi a. “Social media has opened the door for us to know people’s intimate views on things that are not work -related,” says Joey Kolasinsky . Personally, my opinion may not be the same as others and to me that’s fine. This is why we are all different.

We should be able to agree to disagree. What goes on, on my social media should not affect my employment as long as I follow the rules and guidelines of the First Amendment . In conclusion, I should be able to be in contraol control of our own personal social media page. It does not belong to the employer. My personal page belongs to be and because of the Commented [SP1]: 8/12 Points lost for length and citation issues. Commented [SP2]: Need a proper title. Commented [SP3]: The introduction is far too short and should be expanded to seven or more sentences. Commented [SP4]: I understand yo ur argument, but making use of external sourc es of inf orma tion is part of the assignment and I do not see any used here. Furthermor e, The paragraphs need to be seven to ten sentences long and this paragraph is only four sentences long. Commented [SP5]: Additionally, I would like you to focus your argument on individuals having righ ts that are above and beyond those of corporations. Some may argue that companies have the right to pursue their pro fits. Your job is to argue that the individual ’s right to express themselves take s priority over the corporati ons’ right to profit. Commented [SP6]: The quotation that you use from Kolasinsky i s at odds with your opening sentences. If you are venting about your day on social me dia, it does be come work -related in a sense. I see you r point though . Try to hammer the idea of individuals hav ing rights above and beyond corporations tho ugh. NGUYEN 2 First Amendment I entitled to voice my opinion. I am not harming anyone nor am I doing it on company time. There should not be any consequences for what is posted on my own personal Facebook page . Commented [SP7]: Conclusion too short and should be expanded to at least seven sentences. There are many things to say on this topic and you can easily fill a few more sentences. NGUYEN 3 REFERENCES Bell , J., 2018. Firing For Online Behavior . [online] SHRM. Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2020]. Miller, B., 2018. Can You Fire An Employee Over Social Media Posts? - HR Daily Advisor . [online] HR Daily Advisor. Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2020]. 2020. Should Employees Be Fired Over Their Facebook Posts? . [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2020]. Commented [SP8]: Where are these s ources cited in your text ? I do not see Bell or Miller represented above. I also do not see K olasinsky in the references page. Commented [SP9]: Please review APA formatting and correct the citations , if possible.