Business Statistics Business Statistics  EDGAR  Provides financial statements of publically traded corporation in the U.S.  Company Size?  Sales  High sales may be misleading due to pass -through production.  Appropriate in researching market control in a certain industry.  Assets  Rarely bought and sold so depreciation after purchase must be estimated.  Market Value  Stock market assessment of value.  Volatile measurement.  Appropriate when researching corporate takeovers.  Profits  Appropriate in researching likely success of a firm.  Employment  Less ambiguous than sales or asset valuations.  Applicable to all firms, incorporated or not.  Can use household and business surveys.  Labor intensive industries show up as “larger” despite having less sales, assets, or market value. Business Statistics  Anti -trust Legislation  FTC Enforcement  Sherman and Clayton Acts prohibit firms from “monopolizing” and/or “substantially lessening competition”  Measurements:  HHI: Calculated as the sum of squared market shares for the top 4 -8 firms.  Max is 10,000 for a monopoly.  DOJ & FTC flags a 200pt increase for an HHI above 2500 when evaluating mergers.  Definition of “market” impacts policy and anti -trust investigation.  NAICS (North American Industry Classification System)  Business Failures  BLS Data  Suggests “20% of businesses fail within 2 years and over half fail within 5 years.  Does not include firms without employees (derives from unemployment insurance records) .  High failure rates may be exaggerated due to low -barrier industries that stop and start frequently.  Misleading Profits  Owners may pay themselves a salary making profits look lower.  Rates can be over or understated depending on the denominator.  For Chevron net income as a percentage of sales is around 8% but yield to shareholders is closer to 4%. Business Statistics  Stock Market Indexes  DJIA: Oldest index (1885) consisting of 30 stocks weighted by price and representing ≈ 25% of the market.  S&P 500: 500 stocks weighted by market cap representing ≈ 80% of the market.  NASDAQ: IT heavy index consisting of over 3000 stocks weighted by market cap.  Broader indexes better represent the overall stock market but may not be as widely utilized (i.e. Wilshire 5000)  Predicting the Stock Market  The Efficient Market Hypothesis -Random Walk Theory.  Luck or Skill?  1988 WSJ Monkey Dart -Throwing Contest  Professional investors won 61 of 100 contests, monkey’s won 39.  Investors may have been aided by market followers.  If skill, consistency should exist.

 BusinessWeek found only 4 out of 900 funds consistently stayed in the top quarter of funds between 2001 -2006.  Most studies show professional money managers do not regularly beat the market.  What about Warren Buffet and Peter Lynch?