Prepare a research paper on any topic related to the China Youth Cultures based on one academic journal article (minimum 8 pages) you read (Minimum 1500 words, double spaces, Size 12, include the refe

Final Research Paper (Article review) Instructions and Guidelines

By Dr. Wen Xiong

Assignment: Prepare a research paper on any topic related to the China Youth Cultures based on one academic journal article (minimum 8 pages) you read (Minimum 1500 words, double spaces, Size 12, include the references/sources.) 20%.

Grading Criteria:

  • Research and Documentation (40pts)

    • Papers should be backed by a variety of properly cited, reputable and scholarly sources. There should be minimal to no reliance on tertiary sources. In well-written research papers, the research guides the writing.

  • Analysis and Argument (40 pts)

    • Paper sets forth a clear and persuasive argument with a clear and informed thesis. Argument is made without committing rheological fallacies.

  • Grammar and Style (15pts)

    • Papers should be free from grammatical error. A well-written paper should read smoothly and be free from ambiguity and confusion.

  • Formatting and Submission (5 pts)

    • Sources should be denoted in AMA / MLA style as a footnote within the document. The footnote itself should be a hyperlink to any online source.

    • Papers should be submitted as Word document and sent to Canvas by 11:59PM on April 29 , Wednesday, 2020. No late submissions will be accepted.
