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Impacts of Social Media on Teens, Parents, and Youth

Jordan Massey

English 107, Unit 8

April 21, 2020

Indeed, social media has significantly revolutionized human relations and communications. Social media was established to boost human networks, obtain information and maintain connections (Koçak, 2017). Currently, almost everyone has at least a single social media account. Modern technology has influenced almost everyone to create a social media account where one can access vital information. Supporters of social media argue that they do support people’s social connections (Koçak, 2017). Social media has made it easier for one to interact with friends and loved ones, despite the distance and location. Social media has also boosted interactions, hence reducing loneliness. Businesses have even thrived through social media platforms as people can now transact, as well as promote their business (Koçak, 2017). Social media has also created job opportunities for many people. Social media has led to new relationships which, however, are of low quality. People who meet through social media don’t have a chance to communicate face-to-face. Virtual communications are ineffective as one interacts with a stranger from any part of the world (Koçak, 2017). Some people have ended up losing their lives or in toxic relationships due to social media interactions and relationships. Research also shows that social media has led to the isolation of people. People no more value face-to-face communications, and this has led to loneliness and depression, which have claimed many lives. Many people have also been cyberbullied through social media hence succumbing to depression or even suicide (Srauy, 2018). Social media is a crucial and beneficial tool when used appropriately, but in most cases, people abuse and misuse it (Srauy, 2018). Social media has also gained a blind following as most of its users cannot prove why it is beneficial or helpful. Though, the people supporting social media demand an explanation as to why it is terrible, hence shifting a load of proof to the opposers of constant use of social media (Srauy, 2018).

Social media has both benefits and detriments to human society. However, the aim of establishing social media was to promote better lives for all people. Unless something is done, social media will continue to be harmful. The power that social media has over people is hazardous and can go unnoticed. There is a reason for people to be more careful and vigilant when using social media as it failing to do so will bring national and international issues. Social media has been known to increase narcissism and stunting interpersonal growth. It is worth noting that no one is immune to the detrimental side effects of social media. Wrong and disastrous information has been spread through social media, resulting in more problems in the world. People have to change the caustic models of social media use before it obliterates society. The fast and easy access to information that is presumed to be beneficial to society can actually be detrimental. Social media is not bad when used appropriately and for the right purpose.


Koçak, N. (2017). Social and Individual Impacts of Social Media and Its Interactions with Traditional Media. International Journal Of Communication And Media Science, 4(2), 1- 7. doi: 10.14445/2349641x/ijcms-v4i2p101.

Srauy, S. (2018). The Limits of Social Media: What Social Media Can Be, and What We Should Hope They Never Become. Social Media + Society, 1(1), 205630511557867. doi: 10.1177/2056305115578676