Please use 2 attachments to complete this assignment. Submit the final, complete version of your essay according to the following: It should be 4–5 pages (1,000–1,200 words) in length (not including T


Impacts of Social Media on Teens, Parents, and Youth

Jordan Massey

English 107, Unit 6

April 11, 2020

Impacts of Social Media

Social media is an internet-based application. Parents are concerned on the exposure their teens have due to technology although youth is a significant period of rapid growth and development in teen`s life. It`s a concern that social media and communication has become so necessary to teens which is promoting anxiety and lower self-esteem (Hanna et al., 2017). Youth argues that there might be a reason to worry. Teens and youths are experts at keeping themselves occupied in their leisure hours until their time to sleep, when they are not doing their assignments, they are mostly online texting, scrolling sharing among others. Even without social media accounts they keep themselves busy, but they are more likely to chat their phones or with their colleagues when they are relaxing.” The internet can change the lives of the residents like the phone early twentieth century and TV during the mid-twentieth century to 1960. (” Allcott et al., 2020). It`s a fact to say that social media has both sides of a coin i.e. good or bad when it comes to the impacts it has had on the lives of youths, teens and parents.

There are a number of positive and negative impacts brought by social media. It provides a chance for open communication with their teens. This can usually be done by following social media accounts such as face book, twitter and Instagram; there is open communication between parents and teens which helps to develop health emotional intelligence which is also an important factor of good decision making as the youths mature. It also encourages the youth to engage in a positive social platform and helps them lines and set prosperity online. Open communication also helps teens to realize the reason for media accounts, what they aim to achieve from the posts they make or what these accounts are telling (Hanna et al., 2017). Furthermore, social media helps learners to gain essential job techniques. “It can be decisively be easy to show social media as a scamp but there various positive lessons that young adults and teens can learn from it. The media definitely helps teens to learn to bear blame from outsiders be without being drawn into digital competition.” This is a serious obstacle to the teens` minds aiming to precise themselves and worth lesson to learn before securing a job (Allcott et al., 2020).

Social media also lead to more communication, the author says he has interviewed many people and in spite of the negativity surrounding the media, there were some motivating information as one mother claimed that current events with her son was due to more communication while another claimed hanging with less worries of rejection than having to pick the phone was because of safety brought by social media to introverted kids (Alalwan., 2018). Please use 2 attachments to complete this assignment. Submit the final, complete version of your essay according to the following: It should be 4–5 pages (1,000–1,200 words) in length (not including T 1Throughout their jobs, teams, hospital stays, and school lives, teens stay in touch with their friends because of social media. In addition, study teams can be formed through use of technology mostly by forming media groups which helps learners to share information online. It`s a convenient way because those absent from classes can get the information too. Social media also provides a platform to show technological creativity by use of smart phones with the access of free internet like Wi-Fi which helps them to connect with others by sharing their views or making lifestyle statements (Allcott et al., 2020). This also promotes creation of lifelong friends, boosting self-confidence and also strengthening awareness and empathy. The youth and teens can also feel encouraged by sharing with the parent on how to use technology by showing them how to set their accounts and staying connected. This promotes self-confidence and better interactions among the teens, young adults, and the parents as illustrated below (Allcott et al., 2020): Please use 2 attachments to complete this assignment. Submit the final, complete version of your essay according to the following: It should be 4–5 pages (1,000–1,200 words) in length (not including T 2

Although social media has positive impacts, there are also some negatives. For one it discourages face to face communication between the teen young adults and parents because the lack enough time to interact physically. Another limitation of social media is that it promotes laziness mainly in teens and young adults. The youth may take most of their time chatting for long hours with their phones and also following their colleagues` accounts lowering the innovation they can bring by their manual work hence promoting laziness (Allcott et al., 2020). On top of laziness, spending a lot of time on social media may also bring about unhealthy sleeping patterns. Various studies show that prolonged usage of social media has negative effects on peoples sleep especially when they are using their phone to browse at night. General addiction is another negative impact of social media as it draws the attention of many people to keep on checking it all the time scrolling for so long to see more and also show ads of on how you can make money. Social media also brings the fear of missing out (Alalwan 2018). This is a phenomenon that was brought the same duration as the rise of social media and it`s among the most spread limitation on social media to all teens, parents, and young adults. It fuels what is seen in the social media and draws the sense of someone to see that the users have more fun that the way one would like.

In conclusion, as the technology is advancing, social media has turned into routine for people and they have seemed dependent on it. Social media has advanced the quality and cooperation of students` efforts. Investment also relies on technology for expansion and to reach their destinations in each and every year. It has attracted the attention of the youth and teens (Hanna et al., 2017). It has various merits, but it also has few faults which affects individual contrarily. Inappropriate information can lead training framework to lack underperform in groups. Social media can also handle general public by using media accounts. It has some positive and negative effect to the teens, young adults and parents.


Hanna, B., Kee, K. F., & Robertson, B. W. (2017). Positive impacts of social media at work: Job satisfaction, job calling, and Face book use among co-workers. In SHS web of conferences (Vol. 33, p. 00012). EDP Sciences.

Alalwan, A. A. (2018). Investigating the impact of social media advertising features on customer purchase intention. International Journal of Information Management, 42, 65- 77.

Allcott, H., Braghieri, L., Eichmeyer, S., & Gentzkow, M. (2020). The welfare effects of social media. American Economic Review, 110(3), 629-76.