The Final Paper/Final Research Report must be approximately 15-typed pages/5200 words of text,12 pt. font (Times New Roman), double-spaced, 1–inch margins all sides. See below and the Unit 8 Lecture f


Relationship Between Depression and Pain Among College Students in Us

Kean University

Research and Technology


Expected Results

Since correlation and regression analysis will be used to test the research hypothesis, it is expected that the results of the research will show there is a positive relationship between depression and pain among college students in the United States. From the literature reviewed, it was clear that chronic pain is a predisposing factor for depression. The results will show that a higher percentage of people who are depressed also experience pain. The results can be summarized using figure 1 below.

Figure 1: relationship between pain and depression.

The results will show that people who are in pain and depressed often turn to drugs to manage pain. Drug abuse among the depressed people is expected to high as the ability to manage stress is annihilated by pain. It is also expected that the relationship between depression and pain will be pronounced among women participants than among the male counterparts. The coefficient of correlation between pain and depression will be higher in women than in men. People experiencing chronic pain have an escalated risk of experiencing mood disorders such as depression. Another significant proportion with persistent pain suffers from clinical depression. Conversely, depression should also have the ability to increase severity of chronic pain

There are other factors such that mediate the relationship between chronic pain and depression. These include religious practices, values and beliefs. Similarly, meditation and prayer can help reduce the strength of the relationship between the two variables. This is in line with the published literature that highlights that positive psychological factors that can be used in helping people adjust to pain and optimism. Hope has been identified as one of the psychological factors that can be used in reducing pain and depression as it increases the likelihood of a person accepting the pain and suffering and hence coping positively.

Discussion: Potential Significance of the Results

Pain and depression are closely intertwined. As such, there is a positive relationship between chronic pain and depression. Just as depression can cause pain, pain can also cause depression. If not effectively managed, pain and depression can create a vicious cycle where chronic pain worsens the manifesting symptoms of depression. The depression that results also worsens the experiential pain.

Women are more vulnerable to depression because they are too emotional. Women have a lower tolerance to pain and hence become easily depressed (Amirifard et al., 2017). This explains why the coefficient of correlation between pain and depression is higher for women and men. It therefore follows that teaching women pain management skills can empower women to avoid getting depressed. The findings of this research can be used by psychologists to help clients manage stress better. Research has shown that one variable is a causal factor for the other.


Amirifard, N., Payandeh, M., Aeinfar, M., Sadeghi, M., Sadeghi, E., & Ghafarpor, S. (2017). A survey on the relationship between emotional intelligence and level of depression and anxiety among women with breast cancer. International journal of hematology-oncology and stem cell research, 11(1), 54.