For 100 points do extra credit read " How Immigrants Become the Other”by Marcelo M. Suarez Orozco and Carola Suarez Orozco (702). Write a paper onthemes presented in the class reflected in one of thos

How to Do Extra Credit: 1. 5 Paged Essay-Must Be Singled Spaced.

For 100 points do extra credit where you review a film, video, music video, or lecture or book that reflects the discussions in class. Write a paper on themes presented in the class reflected in one of those mediums. Consider the ideas about culture. Observe how culture and condition were presented. Think about what values were being preserved or dismantled. Then, write in third person, what was learned.  The essay is in third person; don’t write you, we, our us, or me. It is not considered academic.

Question: What are the themes in the event that link to the course, and how do those themes represent social problems or ways to resolve those problems?

1st Paragraph 100 POINTS FOR ESSAY

Introduction: Write summary of the event, lecture, music video, or song. (5 sentences)

Thesis: Answer the questions above. (1-2 sentences)

2nd Paragraph

Point: Write what is the importance of the theme. (1-2 sentences)

Illustration A. Summary (3 sentences)

Illustration B. Quotation (1-2 lines)


A. Explain the importance of the quote (2 sentences) 

B. Explain how the importance is linked to Anzaldua (2 sentences)

3rd Paragraph

Point: Write what is the importance of the theme. (1-2 sentences)

Illustration A. Summary (3 sentences)

Illustration B. Quotation (1-2 lines)


A. Explain the importance of the quote (2 sentences) 

B. Explain how the importance is linked Anzaldua (2 sentences)

4th Paragraph

Point: Write what is the importance of the theme. (1-2 sentences)

Illustration A. Summary (3 sentences)

Illustration B. Quotation (1-2 lines)


A. Explain the importance of the quote (2 sentences) 

B. Explain how the importance is linked to Anzaldua (2 sentences)

5th Conclusion: Write 3 sentences on what you learned you didn't know before.  Write in third person.