The questions on the worksheet


Latin 7

Directions: Please read the following Latin selection and answer the questions. A vocabulary bank has been provided.

Pandora erat prima femina, et omnes viri formam Pandorae amabant. Quod Iuppiter homines punire desiderat, Pandorae arcam dat. Post breve tempus, Pandora arcam aperiet et multi mali morbi evolabunt.


amo, amare, amavi, amatum: to love

aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum: to open

arca, arcae: f., box

brevis, breve: short

desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratum: to desire

do, dare, dedi, datum: to give

evolo, evolare, evolavi, evolatum: to fly out

femina, feminae: f., woman

forma, formae: f., beauty

homo, hominis: m., human being

Iuppiter, Iovis: m., Jupiter (a Roman god)

malus, mala, malum: bad

morbus, morbi: m., disease

multus, multa, multum: much, many

omnis, omne: all

Pandora, Pandorae: f., Pandora (a name)

primus, prima, primum: first

punio, punire, punivi, punitum: to punish

tempus, temporis: time

vir, viri: m., man

  1. In the first sentence, what case is “Pandorae”?

  1. In the first sentence, what Nominative function/usage is “femina”?

  1. In the second sentence, why does Jupiter give the box to Pandora?

  1. Translate the third sentence into proper English.

Instructions: Please translate the following Latin sentences into English then answer grammar questions about it below.

Mārs filius Iovis et Iūnōnis est. Mārs pugnare magis quam omnes ceteros deos amat. Mārs ut optimus mīles scietur, sed non bonus maritus est. Omnes milites in terrā putabant Maritem optimum militem esse. Gladius ab omnibus militibus portatur, dum Mārs semper gladium et scutum portat.

(Translate Below)

What is the case and function of both Iovis and Iūnōnis in line 1?

What is omnes modifying in line 1?

What is the function of deos in line 1?

What is the tense voice mood person and number of scietur in line 2?

What is the case and function of terrā in line 2?

What is the construction is putabant Maritem…esse in lines 2-3?

What is the case and function of militibus in line 3?

What is the tense voice mood person and number of portatur in line 3?

Rēs multae in urbibus antiquis sunt. Nocte mercatores viros et feminas centum aut pluribus denariis trans urbes sequentur. Avibus surgentibus, dies in Romā incipit. Canes in viā urbis in mane ambulabant. Tabernariī ostia sua incipere diem aperiunt. In urbe illī tabernariī aves pisces ferasque edunt. Parentes Tusculī vident discipulos semper magistros audire.

Vocabulary Help

trans (+acc.)…across

(Translate Below)

What is the case and function of urbibus in line 1?

What is the case and function of nocte in line 1?

What is the case and function of mercatores in line 1?

What is the case and function of both viros and feminas in line 1?

What is the tense voice mood person and number of sequentur in line 2?

What is the construction of Avibus surgentibus in line 2?

What is the tense voice mood person and number of ambulabant in line 3?

What is the case and function of ostia in line 3?

What is the tense voice mood person and number of aperiunt in line 3?

What is the case number and gender of illī in line 3?

What is the case and function of aves pisces and feras in line 3?

What is the case of Tusculī in line 4?

What is the construction of vident discipulos…audire in line 4?