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Realistic Job Previews:

Of particular interest is the view, supported by research, that providing

realistic information about a job results in applicants’ obtaining clearer and

more realistic information about the job (Breaugh 2010).

Considerable research is available on the effectiveness of the realistic

job preview.

  • The goal of a realistic job preview is to present practical information

about job requirements, organizational expectations, and the work environment.

The preview should include negative and positive aspects of the job

and the organization, and it may be presented to new hires before they start


  • The use of realistic job previews is related to higher performance and

lower attrition from the recruitment process, lower initial expectations, lower

voluntary turnover, lower turnover overall, and higher ratings of role clarity

and organizational honesty (Breaugh 2013; Earnest, Allen, and Landis 2011;

Phillips 1998).

  • A realistic job preview can be presented in a number of ways:

verbally, in writing, or through the media. Certainly the most straightforward

approach is for the prospective or new employee to hold frank discussions

with coworkers and supervisors. In addition, the new employee may observe

the work setting and perhaps shadow an employee who is doing a similar job.

Regardless of the approach used, preventing surprises and providing the

employee with an honest assessment of the job and the work environment are key.