I aam attacking the paper someone wrote for me and this is the feedback from my professor: Hi - Thank you for submitting your introductory speech. You earned a D (63%) on this speech. Please review my


Assignment 2.1: “How Technology Has Impacted Society” Outline

Terricita D Samuel

COM 201 – The Power of Effective Speaking

Professor Stesha Brazil

May 3, 2020

How Technology Has Impacted Society” Outline

Topic: How technology has impacted society


    1. Technology has changed the way we think, do things, and interact with the world
    2. Technology has drastically made communication, transportation, and entertainment much easier with accessible access
    3. Societies wouldn’t be advanced without the use of technology in the 21st century

Thesis Statement – Changes in technology over the years wouldn’t have been thought of in the last generation, now people can communicate, collaborate, and move about the world at faster intervals while making their lives simple and easier.

I. First Main Point – we can use the internet, smartphones, or mailing services

A. easier to transfer funds or pay bills online or by a phone app

B. Shopping

C. technology has opened new doors to dating

D. communication with family and friends have increased with technology advances

II. Second Main Point – entertainment has become easier than before with a simple click or download

A. watching or ordering movies for free or for a fee

B. access to all types of music from around the world

C. films, documentaries, and movies

III. Third Main Point – technology advancements have created simple steps to keeping healthy

A. apps can now track dieting methods and exercising practices

B. information and data is at our fingertips with a simple search

C. groceries and common household products are being delivered to your doorstep

D. education can be completed at the convince of the student online


  1. Life would be drastically different and challenging without these advances in technology

  2. Technology has created a gateway to make life easier and more entertaining

  3. Have you ever thought about it was living without these advancements in technology over a century ago?


Greenwood, J. (2019). Evolving households: The imprint of technology on life. Mit Press.

Henderson, M. M. (Ed.). (2019). Electronic communication: technology and impacts. Routledge.