I was wondering can anyone get this done

Performance Task: Coin Flip Experiment In activity 5, you had the opportunity to perform various dice rolling experiments, whose results could be modelled by an exponential growth or exponential decay relation. Similarly, in this task you will perform a coin flipping experiment in an effort to collect data that can be modelled by some type of relation. Materials you will need: • 200 pennies (or 200 of any combination of coins or small objects that have two distin ct sides ) Optional Materials • grid paper for graphing • calculator • spreadsheet software Step One: Conduct the Experiment  On a piece of paper, create a table with 4 columns and 11 rows. Label the first column "Trial Number", the second column "Coins Flipped" and the third column, "Coins Added". Leave the last column blank for now.  Pick up eight (8) coins, shake them in your hands and release them onto a carpeted floor or other reasonably flat, open surface.  Count the number of coins that have landed "heads."  In the first row of your table, enter 1 in the first column ( for trial#1). In the second column enter 8 (number of coins you just flipped) and in the third column, enter the number of coins that landed heads.  For every coin that comes up heads, add that many coins to your next trial. For example, if three of the eight coins came up heads, then on your next trial you would flip 8 + 3 = 11 coins. This number would go in the "Coins Flipped" column for your text trial.  Perform trial #2 with your new number of coins and record the data in your table.  Continue until you have completed ten trials or have run out of coins. Note: As the number of coins increases, you may need to put the coins into some type of container in order to shake and release. Step Two: Interpret and Display the Data, Part 1 Upon completion of the experiment, you should have a table containing 7 – 10 rows of data. 1. Using grid paper, create a graph that compares the data in the first column of your table (Tr ial Number) with the data in the second column (Coins Flipped). Put the Trial Number on the x -axis and Coins Flipped on the y - axis. Note: Select a scale for your axes that makes the graph sufficiently large and easy to read. 2. Answer these questions about your graph. a) Is your graph linear or non -linear in appearance? b) Is it increasing or decreasing? c) What type of relation, linear, quadratic or exponential does it most resemble? d) Ideally, what type of relationship (linear, quadratic or exponential) should there be between the two variables "trial number" and "coins flipped?" Explain. 3. The probability of a coin landing "heads" is 50% or 0.5. This means that on average, half of the coins that are flipped should land heads. You began the experiment wit h eight (8) coins. a) Write the equation of the relation that would have modeled your data had your data been perfect. It can begin: Coins Flipped = b) Use the equation to calculate how many coins you would be flipping on the 25 th trial (this is the number of coins you will have at the end of the 24 th flip, after you have added the extra coins). 4. a) At the top of the fourth column of your table, put the title " Ratio." Using your data, calculate the ratios and put the results into the fourth column (calculate the ratio by dividing the number of coins added by the number of coins flipped for each trail) . b) Are your ratios reasonably close together or do they vary greatly?

If they are close together, state what you believe is the common ratio for the relation. If the ratios vary greatly, give a reason why you think this has happened. Note: If you are not satisfied with the results of this portion of the experiment, you may c hoose to perform it again from the beginning in order to collect better data. Step Three: Interpret and Display the Data, Part 2 5. Create another graph, this time comparing the "Coins Flipped" (second column) with "Coins Added" (third column). Put the Co ins Flipped on the x -axis and the Coins Added on the y -axis. 6. Answer these questions about your graph. a) Is it increasing or decreasing? b) What type of relation, linear, quadratic or exponential does it most resemble? c) Ideally, what type of relationship (linear, quadratic or exponential) should there be between the two variables? Explain your answer. 7. a) Write the equation of the relation that would have modeled your data had your data been perfect. It can begin: Coins Added = b) Use the eq uation to calculate how many coins you would be adding if you flipped 300 coins. 8. Do you think there is any way you could generate a quadratic graph by using the data you collected in your experiment? W hy or why not? Note: If you are not satisfied with the results of this portion of the experiment, you may choose to perform it again from the beginning in order to collect better data.