We now move on to Income and Wages. Please see the file after this in the module for the details and questions. This is the shortest, and probably the easiest, section to research. However, you may fi

Amazon HQ2 Research Project, BUS 163

Professor Cuadra, Tacoma Community College

Research Assignment, Part 2:

Be sure to read through all of the questions, completely, before beginning your research. You don’t want to have to keep going back to the same subject. However, you may have to do that to some degree – that is one of things about research. That is why it is critical to keep track of your source.

Please research the following questions/areas for your assigned city. BE SURE TO KEEP TRACK OF YOUR SOURCES. You will have to provide a list of references, and in-text citations, in submitted research. Every fact or piece of information you provide must have a citation and the full reference for that source included at the end in a reference list.

This set of research is the briefest one and should not take you too much time.

Be sure to check out the BUS 163 Library Guide on the left side of your Canvas screen and use the resources listed there to help you with your research.

Income/Wages (50 points)
  1. Try to find the average area salaries for:

    1. Executives (this one will vary widely, and you may get a huge range. If so, just put in the range)

    2. Software development engineers/software engineers

    3. Accountants – you may find pay rates for a wide variety of accounting jobs. You might find information for some of these:

      1. Accounts payable

      2. Accounts receivable

      3. Payroll specialists

      4. Controller

    4. Human resource specialists (sometimes listed as HR managers)

    5. Non-executive management positions (project managers, program managers, supervisors)

    6. Administrative assistants

  2. Area minimum wage (you may be surprised how low it is in some areas).

  3. Overall prevailing wage – this may be hard to find. What it means is what the labor department and/or unions require to be paid. For instance, if you are doing construction work on a highway, your company has to pay you and your employees the “prevailing wage” for that work. In this area, people who pour concrete and do paving get $52/hour because that is the prevailing wage.

    1. Try looking at several sources, but if you cannot find the information, just list where you looked and say you could not find it.

  4. Find out the median income for your city/area.

  5. Find out the average household size. It is good to check out the US Census Bureau site for this kind of information.

  6. Look and see if you can find out if your city/area has required sick leave, like we do in Washington now. If so, what are the details?

  7. What is the average home price in the area? What is the range of home prices?

Your information can just be bullet points for this.

Be sure to use AT LEAST three different sources. You might want to see what different information you get for any one category. If you get different information, please note that. A good practice is to look into the source for your source – where did THEY get this information. Also, check the dates and you will likely want to use the most recent information.