This is a long shot I know but, I've been in a really tough situation and need help catching up so I don't fail. My grandfather died recently whom I was very close with which sent me into a very deep

Advanced Algebra Name ________________________________ 7A: Factoring v0 4 1. Solve 28 x2 + 51x – 27 = 0 The following work will be assessed: ✓ Identify the product and sum that are used to determine the two numbers that you will also identify to be used to split up the linear term ✓ Show the quadratic expression rewritten as four terms with the linear term split up ✓ Show the work where each GCF is pulled from the two groups ✓ Rewrite the quadratic expression as two factors (not enough work… no credit) ✓✓ Solve the quadratic equation by identifying its two roots. (not enough work… no credit) 2. Write a quadratic equation in the form of a x2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b & c are integers given the roots x = ± 12 i (where i is the imaginary unit) The following work will be assessed: ✓ Show each of the two factors generated by the roo ts ✓ Show the four terms of the FOIL process - even if you know the middle terms will cancel ✓✓ Write the equation using integers for a, b & c (not enough work… no credit)