For this assignment, the student starts the project by identifying a clinical population of interest. Then, the student is to locate (10) nursing research articles from peer-reviewed nursing journals

Carson-Newman University

Department of Nursing

Nursing 510

Article Summary Table

Citation (author(s), year, journal) in APA format

Purpose of study

Sample characteristics

Measurement tools (survey, questionnaire, etc.)


Summary of results & conclusions

Strengths & limitations

Carson-Newman University

Department of Nursing

Nursing 510

Article Summary Example

Citation (author(s), year, title, journal) in APA format

Purpose of study

Sample characteristics

Measurement tools (survey, questionnaire, etc.)


Summary of results & conclusions

Strengths & limitations

Rigsby, B. D. (2011). Hypertension improvement through healthy lifestyle modifications, ABNF Journal, retrieved from

To examine the effectiveness of healthy lifestyle modifications (education, exercise, and healthy eating) on blood pressure control among hypertensive African American adults in a rural community setting.

36 African American adults who completed the health risk assessment document and pre-assessment questionnaire.

At the first session initial blood pressure and BMI were obtained. The participants were then provided a blood pressure monitor, pedometer, and a self-reporting log consisting of daily BP's, dietary consumption, and physical activity involvement (number of steps walked). Once a week for 12 weeks the logs were obtained at the beginning of each session. At the conclusion a final BMI was obtained.

Educational sessions were conducted focusing on HTN and its risk factors, and the benefit of implementing healthy lifestyle modifications. 30 minute walk sessions were conducted at the end of each session.

Data review indicated increased knowledge r/t HTN, its related risk factors, and benefits of healthy lifestyle, improvement of BP control, increased physical activity by 500 steps per week, increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, and reduction in body weight among participants.

These findings suggest that the recommendation of healthy lifestyle modifications is crucial in the health care setting in providing quality patient care to hypertensive individuals.

Limitations include a small sample size and missing data resulting from incomplete self-reporting logs. Also few participants completed the 12 project than had originally consented to participate. Also the lack of motivation to complete the self-reporting logs, particularly the dietary logs.