For this assignment, you may submit a paper or a video presentation. All the criteria below apply for both, but word counts are for the paper only. If you choose a presentation, they should be between


Global Sexual Violence

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation


My research question

My topic is on global sexual violence and in specific, how global sexual has been a menace across the globe, its effects on the victims physically, emotionally, socially, and psychologically. My research question in particular will be how the menace has negatively impacted the lives of women and children (who are the most susceptible members of the society) through the above four mentioned aspects of life (Butchart et al., 2015).

Research design

The research design that will be applied in my research will be both descriptive and correlational research designs. Descriptive research will exist of case studies, surveys, and naturalistic observations of the sample victims of sexual violence and how the traumas have been negatively impacting to their lives. Correlational research study will be evaluating the physical, emotional, social, and psychological challenges the victims of sexual violence face in the society.

Sampling frame, sample and sampling procedures

The sampling frame that will be followed in the research design will be constricted to women and children and society. The sample for the research will be selected based random sampling to ensure that bias is eliminated (Etikan & Bala, 2017).

How the sampling method fits the research

The random sampling technique fits my research question in that it ensures that random sample of the victims of sexual violence is selected and the results from them can be trusted.


Etikan, I., & Bala, K. (2017). Sampling and sampling methods. Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal5(6), 00149.

Butchart, A., Mikton, C., Dahlberg, L. L., & Krug, E. G. (2015). Global status report on violence prevention 2014.