Choose 4 or 5 geographical points appropriate to your customized assignment. Provide maps, sourcing and context for these. For example, if for your customized assignment you decided to look at the rol

Cold War Map Quiz #2

North and South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. 1970sChoose 4 or 5 geographical points appropriate to your customized assignment. Provide maps, sourcing and context for these. For example, if for your customized assignment you decided to look at the rol 1

Context: The map I’ve chosen to represent North and South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos during the Vietnam war in the 1970s was this one illustrating the Easter Offensive from March 30th, 1972 to October 22nd, 1972 (although the map only shows until May of that year). The map above shows the North Vietnamese attacks coming from Cambodia, Laos, and North Vietnam. The United States and South Vietnam immediately responded with heavy airstrikes in Operations Freedom Train and Linebacker I.


Angola 1970sChoose 4 or 5 geographical points appropriate to your customized assignment. Provide maps, sourcing and context for these. For example, if for your customized assignment you decided to look at the rol 2

Context: The map above shows a few things including the UNITA claimed territory and the various boundaries in relation to it. This conflict was first an internal struggle of power, but was soon upgraded to a internationalized conflict that was entangled in cold war ideologies and partisanship. In the over 30 years of conflict, over 500,000 people died, 3.5 million were internally displaced, and hundreds of thousands fled to neighboring Zaire and Zambia.


India/ Pakistan/East Pakistan 1960s and 1970sChoose 4 or 5 geographical points appropriate to your customized assignment. Provide maps, sourcing and context for these. For example, if for your customized assignment you decided to look at the rol 3

Context: Beginning on March 26th, 1971, Government troops from West Pakistan launched a military offensive against Bengali nationalists, including Bengali troops and policemen, in East Pakistan. This escalated until eventually, East Pakistan (Bangladesh) formally achieved its independence from West Pakistan on December 17, 1971.


Nicaragua 1970sChoose 4 or 5 geographical points appropriate to your customized assignment. Provide maps, sourcing and context for these. For example, if for your customized assignment you decided to look at the rol 4

Context: The 1970s in Nicaragua were a formative time for thie country. Towards the end of the decade was the start of the Nicaraguan revolution. The west supported Somoza regime while the east supported Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). Similar to Angola, the revolution marked a significant period in Nicaraguan history and revealed the country as one of the major proxy war battlegrounds of the Cold War.
