I have a 3 part assignment, first three pages are the directions that's needed to complete the assignment. The last 3 pages are the assignment that needs to be completed by Wednesday June 10, 2020 at

Blog Analysis

Discussions play an integral role in monitoring your course participation throughout the term. You should check back to the weekly discussions multiple times throughout the week to engage in the discussion with your professor and peers. Participation is only counted during the week in which this discussion is assigned. Be sure to appropriately cite any sources you use to support your responses with standard APA citations. Answer the prompt question(s) thoroughly using a minimum of 150-200 words 

Discussion Question:

Since you have been reading about blog composition, find a blog you enjoy and analyze it. Then, post:

  1. The name of the blog with a hyperlink (not a pasted URL).

  2. Your analysis. Consider aspects we’ve covered in class such as content, audience, and visual appeal. What works? What doesn’t? Why?