Works Cited Page for Literary Analysis on Sula in MLASubmit your Works Cited page for your Literary Analysis Essay on Sula in MLA here. Be sure to submit it as an attachment so that the formatting is

Your Last Name Here 4

Your First and Last Name Here

Professor Severus Snape

ENC 1102 – Reference Number XXXX

Day Month Year (NOTICE—no commas: 31 October 2020, for example)

Your Own Original Title for Your Paper Here

Indent the first line of every paragraph. Continue writing. Remember that the introduction orients the reader about your topic, tells us the first and last name of the author and the title of the work. Near the end of the introduction, write your thesis, the narrowed focus of your paper, the idea your paper will seek to prove.

When you start a new paragraph, indent again. Remember that each paragraph begins with a topic sentence and perhaps a transition word or phrase so that it is clear how it connects to the previous paragraph.

Continue indenting for every new paragraph that you write.

Your paper will go on until it is two and a half or three pages. Then, you will have your Works Cited page. Skip to page 4 of this document to see the general outline for that.

Works Cited

Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. Continue here with all of the required information for the type of entry you are writing. Notice that this second line and every other line for this entry after the first line is indented.

Next entry starts here and continues as far as it needs to until it goes to the next line if it is that long, at which point you indent again. Do you get the picture of how to do this?