Write about your daily routine in Arabic from morning until evening using (first, then, and, at the end…etc.) in your writing.

Assignment 2

Intermediate Arabic

Change the underlined words in the sentence once to two females and once to a plural male and do the necessary changes. Then translate each sentence into English. 3/

المهندس يعطي الإرشادات اللازمة للعمال قبل البدء بالمشروع والمشرف يراقب مجرى العمل.

المحاسب يفتح البنك ويكتب الفواتير الضرورية.

Change the underlined words in the sentences once to two males and once to plural females and do the necessary changes to the sentences. Then translate each sentence into English. 3/

المعلم كتب التعليمات للطلاب قبل الامتحان.

فتح المحاسب البنك في الصباح.

الممرض يكتب الخطاب ويشرف على مجرى العمل.

Write about your daily routine in Arabic from morning until evening using (first, then, and, at the end…etc.) in your writing. / 4

You went to Morocco with your brother and your sister. Write in Arabic about your trip. Your writing should include the following points: 5/

  • When did you go?

  • Weather

  • For how long did you stay?

  • Food

  • Attractions

  • Did you like the trip? If yes, why? If no, why?

  • When did you return back?