Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is the most popular personality assessment used by companies. Myers-Briggs looks at how we prefer to interact with others, how we prefer to process information, how we pref

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Relationship of Self-Assessment with Career Choice

The Myers-Briggs Type describes a person’s preferences on four continuums. Your Type is identified by four letters indicating your preference for Extraversion or Introversion (E or I), Sensing or Intuitive (S or N), Thinking or Feeling (T or F), and Judging or Perceiving (J or P).

Extraversion and Introversion indicate how you interact with the world and where you direct your energy.

Sensing and Intuition indicate what kind of information you naturally notice and remember.

Thinking and Feeling indicate whether you make decisions logically and impersonally or by using personal values.

Judging and Perceiving indicate the way you like to live your life: more structured (making decisions) or more spontaneous (taking in information).

Read the paired statements and choose the one you agree with the strongest. Mark your choice with an X.

Count the number of Xs marked in each column. The higher number of the paired items indicates your preferred type.

Extraversion (E)

Introversion (I)

I prefer to work with others

I prefer to work individually

I need time to interact

I need time to reflect before acting

I think out loud

I think things through

I have a shorter attention span

I have a longer attention span

Background sounds help me concentrate

I need quiet for concentration

I prefer teamwork and working meetings

I prefer written requests or one-on-one requests

I want help in researching and writing paper

I want help in public speaking and verbal expression

Total number of Xs in the Extraversion column =

Total number of Xs in the Introversion column =

Sensing (S)

Intuition (N)

I seek specific information and details

I seek theories and meanings

I like facts, tangible objects that validate

I like to use imagination to create possibilities

I like (and follow) directions

I create my own directions

I want faculty who give clear assignments

I want faculty who encourage independent thinking

I like to apply knowledge previously learned

I like to apply new knowledge

I work steadily with trusted methods

I work with bursts of energy trying new methods

I value practical knowledge

I value language, symbols, analogies

Total number of Xs in the Sensing column =

Total number of Xs in the Intuition column =

Thinking (T)

Feeling (F)

I am task oriented

I am relationship oriented

I am oriented to achieve

I am oriented to be helpful

I am motivated to master subjects

I am motivated by others

I want objective material to study

I want to relate to the material personally

I like to critique new ideas

I like to please instructors

I learn by challenge and debate

I learn by being supported and appreciated

I want logical plans

I want personal rapport

Total number of Xs in the Thinking column =

Total number of Xs in the Feeling column =

Judging (J)

Perceiving (P)

I prefer a set system of accountability

I prefer a system with autonomy and choice

I like to plan

I like to be flexible

I prefer formal guidelines for solving problems

I prefer to solve problems informally

I schedule time to work on assignments

I work spontaneously with bursts of energy

I plan tasks and get them done

I shape and plan and stay open to new information

I like to be in charge of events

I like to adapt to events

I want faculty to be organized

I want faculty to be entertaining and inspiring

Total number of Xs in the Judging column =

Total number of Xs in the Perceiving column =

Career Fields Matching Personality Type/Style

ISTJ: Management, Administration, Law Enforcement, Accounting; Attention to detail and task

ISTP: Skilled Trades, Technical Fields, Law Enforcement, Military; Hands-on with data or things

ESTP: Marketing, Business, Law Enforcement, Applied Technology; Action-oriented focus to attend to details

ESTJ: Management, Law Enforcement; Use logic and organization of facts

ISFJ: Education, Healthcare, Religious Settings; Help people behind the scenes

ISFP: Healthcare, Business, Law Enforcement; Gentle, service-related, attention to details

ESFP: Healthcare, Teaching, Coaching; Outgoing nature to help with practical needs

ESFJ: Education, Healthcare, Religion; Provide personal service to others

INFJ: Religion, Counseling, Teaching, Arts; Facilitate human development

INFP: Counseling, Writing, Arts: Use creativity and focus on values

ENFP: Counseling, Teaching, Arts; Creativity and communication to help others grow

ENFJ: Religion, Arts, Teaching; Help other with emotional growth

INTJ: Scientific or Technical fields; Use intellectual and technical knowledge, analyze and task oriented

INTP: Scientific or Technical fields; Use objective analysis of problems and technical expertise

ENTP: Science, Management, Arts; Take on new challenges continually

ENTJ: Management, Leadership; Strategic planning and organization to get task done


Hammer, A. L. (1993), Introduction to Type and Careers

Tieger, P. & Barron-Tieger, B., (2001), The Personality Type Tool Kit

Western Michigan University Career Handbook, 2007

Flexing your style

Your Myers-Briggs Type reflects your preferred style for interacting with the world. The numbers give you an indication of how easy it is to flex your style to match the style of others including your co-workers and boss. For example: if your numbers are Extroverted 3 and Introverted 4, it will be easier for you to flex your style to match the Type of others. If your numbers are 0 Extroverted and 7 Introverted, it will be more challenging for you to change your style to match the extroverted style of others.

See textbook and lecture slides for additional information about MBTI and preferred methods of communication.