Due Sunday 7-5-20 Safeassign will be used to check for plagiarism write a two-page narrative (Word document) describing Fire Emergency Services (FES) organization progressive health and safety program

Unit VI Project Background Information

Over a period of time , a firefighter started showing significant signs of stress in social and work situations.

He was having problems going about his normal daily tasks , even at home, after experienc ing a horrific

trauma and life -threatening incident that left negative images in his mind. Many veteran firefighters had

experienced the same type of inciden ts; however, over time , they deal t with these types of incident s

through the use of alcohol , which left some of them with substance abuse and addiction issues. After

several weeks of being un able to sleep , he started to show signs of irritation and anger . He commented to

some veteran firefighters that w henever he had free time, he had unwanted intrusive thoughts about the

traumatic event s.

In addition, he was experiencing stress from the lack of advancement. For the last 5 years , no one had

been hired , and he was always considered the new firefighter by the veteran firefighters . He was always

assig ned me nial tasks of cleaning the bathrooms, wiping up oil on the apparatus bay, washing the dishes,

and waking early to make sure coffee was made as the veteran firefighters sat in the recliner chairs .

During a recent visit from several chi ef officers , the veteran firefighters assigned him tasks so he would

not interact with the chief officers. Before leaving the room, he complained to one of the chief officers

about the negative conditions and behavior toward new firefighters . The chief officer laugh ed and stated ,

“This build s cohesiveness ; after all , we had to endure the same thing when we were newbie firefighters. ”

Over the next few days , the stress continued to build, and the n one day , he woke up very agitated and

blew up when his wife confr onted him about what was wrong. In a fit of rage, he grabbed his personal gun

and shot her and his two children. He got in his car, drove to Fire Station 1 ( the h eadquarters for his fire

department) , and walk ed down the hall , randomly shooting at chi ef officers as they sat in their office s. As

he entered the conference room, he found some of the officers hiding behind chairs as he continue d to

fire his weapon. Hearing the shooting , several police officers standing outside entered the firehouse and

approached the room . As they tried to talk to the firefighter , one o fficer was shot.

The firefighter barricaded himself in the meeting room while police n egotiators continued to talk to him.

For hours off and on , he fired his gun toward the police. Those who were wounded outside of the

conference room were remove d to a safe area for treatment. Approximately 26 hours after the standoff

began, it appeared as if he would relent when he lifted his gun and fired at police before being shot in the

shoulder by return fire .