Can choose any Building in Dallas Texas or Houston Texas. For this lab assignment you will be using chapters 3, 5, 6 and 10 of the International Building Code (IBC) to determine if a building of your

Lab: International Building Code Chapters 3, 5, 6 and 10

DUE: See Lab Schedule


TO: Dr. Michael Gangone, CENG 3434 Course Instructor



For this lab assignment you will be using chapters 3, 5, 6 and 10 of the International Building Code (IBC) to determine if a building of your choosing is in compliance with these specific chapters of the code (particularly chapters 5 and 10). You may choose any building you want. It can be an office building, a residential building (e.g. hotel, house, apartment complex, etc.), building on campus, a school building, etc. It is your choice. You are to answer the following questions below in regards to your building. Be sure to reference sections of the IBC code (section, page, Table # or equation number) where appropriate. You may answer the questions directly on this document. You do not need to follow the typical memo format for lab submission. Your submission must be typed and all drawings must be done electronically (not by hand).

1. Provide a brief description of the structure you chose to analyze. Discuss the materials used in the construction of the building. Provide the location of the building. Is a sprinkler system installed? Include a picture of the structure.

2. Determine the occupancy group and construction type of the building based on chapters 3 and 6 of the IBC code respectively.

3. Determine the approximate height of the building from the grade plane (you might need to come up with a way of approximating this). How many stories does the building have? What is the approximate area per story of the building?

4. Include a plan view (top down view) of your building. Provide dimensions along each perimeter wall of the building. Show the frontage next to each perimeter of the building (if there is zero frontage indicate that on your drawing). Provide picture(s) of each perimeter with at least 20 feet of open way.

5. Based on the occupancy group and construction type you selected in question 2, determine the maximum permissible height and number of stories this building is allowed to have per Chapter 5 of the code. Be sure to reference the code where appropriate.

6. Calculate the frontage factor of the building in accordance with Chapter 5 of the code. Be sure to reference the code where appropriate.

7. Calculate the allowable area per story of the building in accordance with Chapter 5 of the code. Be sure to reference the code where appropriate.

8. Calculate the total allowable area of the building. Be sure to reference the code where appropriate.

9. Does this building satisfy chapter 5 of the IBC for building area/size? Why or why not? Be sure to show your checks in this problem.

10. Measure the width of one corridor and doorway in the building and include a picture of each.

11. Based on the requirements of Chapter 10 of the code, determine if this corridor and doorway meets the code requirements for width. Be sure to reference the code where appropriate.