Next week I will meet you individually in conferences and we will not have a Zoom session as a full class. To prepare for the conference, please do the following: - Continue reading your sources, and

Writing Workshop II

Summer 2020

Assignment: Writing Up the Proposal

Writing: You are now ready to write your final proposal. Write this out in narrative form and make sure to be clear, explicit and detailed in your answers to the following.

In your proposal you should:

1) Explain the background situation regarding your topic (give plenty of detail here).

2) Outline and possibly define the particular issues that seem significant.

3) Write the question you propose to investigate and address

4) Describe the methods by which you plan to do this.

5) You should also attach your preliminary bibliography.

Your “method” section should explain the ways you intend to get the information you need. You can mention reading primary and secondary sources (be explicit about these; name what you will use). You can mention interviews you might conduct. If you are working on a literary project, name the texts you plan to work with and how you plan to approach them. Your method section should be the map of the work you plan to do.

Reading: Please continue reading in your subject area, making note cards as you go. You will need to have at least 15 notecards for the conference next week.