it is only 300 words, you just need to watch a video and it is only 20 m.and i will provid you a world fill that can help you. Once you've finished watching Sherry Turkle's TedTalk, "Connected, But Al

Rule #1: Communication is dynamic.

For many of you, the term “dynamic” was first introduced in your high school English class when you learned about dynamic characters in literature. Like those same characters, communication is also dynamic. In other words, it is in a process of constant change and evolution. This should come as no surprise seeing as communication relies on a myriad of other things, including people and technology, that are constantly changing as well. Walther, Gay, and Hancock (2005) comment that the relationships that exist between these things are “reciprocal relationships between structures and rules imposed by any given communication tool, the social rules imposed by administrators, and the need for [people] to accommodate through their own innovative effort.”² In other words, a cyclical reaction occurs where people and technology affect and change the face of communication, and communication, in turn, affects the way people think and communicate, and so on. Without this dynamic quality and people’s desire to change the way they interact with each other, we would be without many of the technological toys that make our lives so enjoyable and entertaining today.

Rule #2: Communication starts with you.

It is certainly no secret that we are all born communicating. Our first cries communicated to the doctor whether or not we were breathing properly. Nurses took our vitals, which helped to communicate our state of health. When we cried, our mothers knew that we were hungry. All of these things are examples of the communicative miracle that individuals take part in the moment we are born. This is the foundation of the second rule of communication: Communication starts with you.

As we mature, we begin to grow out of simply using our instinctive ways to communicate and begin to learn from the world around us how to get what we want and interact with others, building relationships and forming opinions from our experiences. These opinions can be broken down into three categories: attitudesbeliefs, and values. Simply put, an attitude is our predisposition toward something that causes us to act in a positive or negative way. In other words, you might maintain the attitude that a college education is necessary to succeed in the business world, which would cause you to oppose or act negatively toward those individuals who climb the corporate ladder without a college degree. Attitudes are rooted in our beliefs and, of the three categories of opinions, are the easiest to change because they tend to be a learned behavior.³ Beliefs are our convictions. If you believed that it pays to get a good education, then it would explain your attitude toward those individuals who did not go to college and their chances for success. This brings us to values, which are beliefs that are longheld and dictate our attitude toward people, ideas, objects, and events. Using this same example, it could be said that you valued education and hard work. Of the three, values are the hardest to change because of their long-standing tradition within an individual’s life.

So, how does all of this relate to the second rule of communication? Well, these attitudes, beliefs, and values dictate the way that we take in information, how we assign meaning to it, and what we do as a result of this meaning. If we value patriotism and we believe that America is the greatest country in the world, our attitude might be that all of those individuals from other countries are not worth getting to know. Upon coming into a class with several international students, your actions, as a result of your attitude, would be to limit your communication with them or to treat them in a way different from other students. Therefore, your opinions impede you from getting to know other people and broadening your horizons by learning about other places and cultures. In this case, communication not only starts with you but it also ends with you and your close-minded way of thinking.

Rule #3: Communication happens in a context.

In watching any crime drama on television, you become familiar with the investigator’s line of questioning that helps him or her solve the crime. These questions usually revolve around the who, the what, the when, the where, and the why of the incident. Communication is no different as it also has a who, what, when, where, and why, which we know as context. The context is the setting or set of circumstances in which communication occurs and has a huge bearing on how we communicate. For example, you are unlikely to communicate the same way at a funeral as you do a wedding, because the tones of these two events are vastly different and require you to act, and ultimately communicate, in a different way. The context can also include how many people that you are trying to reach through your communication. Contextually speaking, an audience of ten people and a lecture hall of 250 will require the speaker to tweak not only the message but also the way it is delivered.

Rule #4: Communication never happens the exact same way twice.

To understand the next rule of communication, let’s take a look at the classes that you are enrolled in right now. In all likelihood, yours is not the only section of the course that your professor is teaching. As a result, he or she will have to repeat the same information several times throughout the day or week. The way this is done is never the same way twice. Your class, for example, might be first thing in the morning. If your professor has not had a morning cup of coffee, the delivery might be slightly unenthusiastic, and some details might be forgotten. Later in the day, the professor might be more awake and, therefore, lecture with more energy, making sure not to leave out anything. This same phenomenon can be seen all the time in live theater. Although the actors know the lines and have rehearsed countless times, each performance is slightly different. This is a result of the actor’s own affect on communication as well as the audience’s perception of what they are watching. Although it might be similar, it will never be the same.

Rule #5: Communication is inevitable.

The next rule of communication can be a little bit frustrating for some because, try as you might to stop it, communication is going to happen. It is inevitable. Take for example your last argument. Were you trying to sit quietly not communicating anything about your mood or the way you felt about the topic at hand? Unfortunately, your silence and body language communicated as much about you as your words would have if you took a different argumentative approach. Communication is going to happen whether we like it or not, so it would be smart to pay better attention to it in order not to give off the wrong message.

Rule #6: Communication is irreversible.

It is imperative for us to recognize the inevitable quality of communication because it is equally irreversible, which could have disastrous results. There is no greater example of the irreversible nature of communication than the Internet. For many of you, the Internet, and, in particular, sites like Facebook, is your main outlet of self-expression and communication with friends, locally and globally. Although this is a great tool to keep in touch with the masses, posting updates and pictures of your late night escapades are dangerous. For example, after celebrating your friend’s 21st birthday with a trip to Las Vegas, pictures of you acting foolishly appear on your profile thanks to a friend posting them on your wall. Although you deleted them a few hours after they were first posted, the damage has already been done. People are constantly connected to Facebook looking at status and picture updates. Even if one person saw the pictures of you, the message that they communicated cannot be reversed. Similarly, the things you say cannot be taken back either. That is why it is so important to weigh your words before speaking, because once you say something, whether or not you meant it, the words will not be forgotten no matter how much backpeddling and covering up you might try to do.