Renaissance Madrigals Step 1 Click on this link(Links to an external site.) to be taken to a website about Renaissance music. Read about motets and madrigals, and the differences between them. Also, r

Matona, mia cara

Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594)

Matona mi acara, mi follere canzon

My dear lady, I’d love to sing a song


Cantar sotto finestra, Lanze bon compagnon

To sing below your window, I’m a lancer, and a good lad

Ti prego m’ascoltare che mi cantar de bon

Please listen to me, for I sing well


E mi ti foller bene come Greco e capon

And I love you greatly, as a Greek does his capon [chicken]

Com’andar alle cacce, cacciar con le falcon

When I go hunting, hunting with a falcon


Mi ti portar beccazze, grasse come rognon

I’ll bring you woodcocks as fat as a kidney

Se mi non saper dire tante belle rason

Though I do not know so many elegant phrases


Petrarca mi non saper, ne fonte d’Helicon

And know nothing of Petrarch, or the fountain of Helicon [where the Greek Muses lived]

Se ti mi foller bene mi none esser poltroon

If you’ll have me, I’m no laggard


Mi piccar tutta notte, urtar come monton

I’ll make love to you all night long, thrusting like a ram