I will Attach 5 things below, 1- the lab manual, but since we don't have the tools there is an alternative way you can use to get the data easily. I will attach the alternative below, it is the "Added

For Lab 3 Capacitance, you can do them using a simulator. This one should work fine: https://www.falstad.com/circuit/ 

Just delete the components you don't need then add in the capacitors and resistors to make the circuits as shown in the lab manual. You'll probably also want to read the directions on the simulator website. 

For the capacitance lab, you can use the SPDT switch in the simulator to charge and discharge (connect to ground) the capacitor. See the attached image file (Added Picture) showing the circuit to get you started. You cannot export the data shown but you can manually copy over about 10 points into Capstone and do the fitting that way.