Analyze the previous journal entries and discuss the differences and similarities among the entries.Consider the type of writing entry, your approach to writing the entry, any challenges encountered w

[Last Name] 0

Anthony Legendre

Kenya Thompson


May 14th, 2020

I really enjoy writing and always have since I was a kid, it has helped me in ways I never thought possible. When I am in my writing zone, you’ll normally find me in my dorm room, at my desk but since this quarantine started and I came back home, you’ll now find me in my bedroom but still at my desk. I remember when my liking for writing first started. I started to see a therapist when I was about 7 or 8, she told me the best way to let out feelings is by writing, she gave me a notebook and told me whenever I felt the need to release emotion or just wanted to jot things down, write. At first, I thought it was a bit girly not going to lie, but the more she told me to do it, the more I started to enjoy it. I saw her every week, so every time I saw her, there was always something new on the next page. I will be honest though; it's been a minute since I’ve written in a journal, I’ve been getting caught up in gaming. High school was a bit different for me though, some of the topics I would get wouldn’t sound interesting to me, don’t get me wrong I can be given any topic and write 500-1000 words easy but some were boring to write. Now, writing essays in college is intriguing and gets my creative side flowing, I like that a lot. I feel like in college I’m not being held back or have rules of what I can and can’t write. In high school they want you to grow up but still hold your hand, that’s how I see it and to me, that doesn’t make sense. I do have a “ritual” that I do before I write (or I like to think it is a ritual). I like to take five minutes to myself before I start writing and sit in my room with no tv on, no music, nothing just complete silence and try to get my mind in a relaxing state while either drinking a beer or a glass of chocolate milk (depending on how I’m feeling). I’ll normally think of my favorite place and then let my mind wander. I enjoy writing so much because it helped me express my emotions to others when I couldn’t form the words out of my mouth. It’s also made me enjoy reading. I feel like because of writing, I have such a creative imagination and that’s one of the first things you lose after growing up.