Essay Assignment due in Week 5:*** The essay assignment requires research. The assignment is accessible THIS week, in order to allow students sufficient time to locate data, incorporate APA in-text ci

Proofreading with SWAPS

Sentence Structure:

  • Be sure that every sentence in paragraph supports topic sentence.

  • Avoid run on sentences.

  • Avoid sentence fragments.

Word Usage:

  • Be sure you have used the correct words (homophones)

  • Avoid slang words

  • Avoid pronoun overuse


  • Be sure that subjects and verbs agree in number (singular/plural)

  • Keep verb tense consistent (present, past, future)


  • Be sure all sentences have ending punctuation.

  • Use commas after items in lists except for the last item.

  • Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction.

Spelling & Capitalization:

  • Check for spelling errors

  • Begin each sentence with a capital.

  • Check homophones.

  • Capitalize proper nouns.

  • Be sure apostrophes are used in contractions and possessives.