do outline and I put attaches

Essay 3 Outline Guidelines and Example

ESSAY 3 PROMPT: Why should students want to be more than “average”?


INSTRUCTIONS Write an outline for Essay 3. Just like the Essay 2, the Essay 3 outline will allow you to organize your Essay 3 paragraphs into an order that makes sense and to make sure that each paragraph is fully developed.

Guidelines for creating your outline

1. Have your thesis as one complete sentence

topic sentences as

a. Have your two one complete sentence each.
        1. After each topic sentence, give main ideas that explain/ support your topic sentence with primary support and secondary support (minor details)


        2. For Include the page number from “I Just Wanna Be Average” in parenthesis

an opinion/ insight on the quote

1. Give that connects to the idea in your TS and thesis

********************************************************************************************* EXAMPLE OUTLINE

Prompt Question: Why should students want to be more than “average”?

Thesis (one sentence that answers prompt with topics, position, and rationale):

Given that pushing oneself to do their best is necessary for achieving important long-term goals, students should want to be more than average so that they may achieve more in school as well as in life.

FIRST body paragraph’s topic sentence with a T-P-R that explains what it means to be average and its effects on a person’s life in one sentence.

TS #1: Being average means that a person never expects themselves to be outstanding in any area, which then affects their own self-esteem and potential in life.

  1. When a person is fine being average, their goal is to try to be like everyone else and not stand out

      1. leads to not uncovering unique interests and talents

      2. reduces curiosity and passion

  1. When a person only wants to be average, they tend not believe in themselves

      1. leads to a reduced self-esteem and hopelessness

      2. deadens their imagination about what they can achieve in life

  1. “Reject the confusion and frustration by openly define yourself as the Common Joe. Champion the average. Rely on your good sense. Fuck this bullshit. Bullshit, of course, is everything you-and the others- fear is beyond you: books, essays, tests…” (Rose 5)

      1. These students had become disinterested in life and did not see their own potential

      2. Rose’s classmates did not want to push themselves to be more than average, which lead them to avoiding anything that was too hard

SECOND body paragraph’s topic sentence with a T-P-R that explains why students should want to be more than average in school .

TS#2: Students should want to be more than average so that they can discover their passions and find their inner drive for learning, which then can lead them to success academically and personally.

  1. Students who want to be more than average push themselves and then get more in return from school i. have an excitement and drive to learn

    1. believe in their ability to grow and to succeed when facing new, difficult challenges

    2. find value in themselves, which helps them spend time and effort on their goals and not give up

  2. “But I worked very hard, for MacFarland had hooked me. He tapped my old interest in reading and creating stories. He gave me a way to feel special using my mind” (Rose 9).

    1. Once Rose put in more effort, he found his passion for reading and writing

    2. Pushing himself to be more than average helped Rose succeed in school, which then lead to him developing new interests and friends, attending college, and down a more rewarding life path

    3. Students who want to be more than average believe in their own specialness and strive for better in order to do better in school and life