1. Using the feedback you received on Part 2, revise Part 2 and mark any additions you make in red text. 2. Copy-paste your revised Parts 1&2 into the beginning of your Part 3 document. Parts 1 and 2

Japanese Product – Anime Movie (Week 2)

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Japanese Product

Animated Fantasy Film

Spirited Away

Week 1:

“Spirited away” is an animated fantasy film (2001), written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It revolves around a 10-year old girl Chihiro Ogino who is moving to a new neighborhood with her parents when they enter into the world of spirits (Kami) and a witch transforms her parents into pigs. Chihiro starts working in Yubaba's bathhouse in order to free her parents and return back to the human world. This animation was done by the studio Ghibli.

Since the animation and the storyline is a very intriguing and accurate depiction of Japanese Shinto folklore, this animated movie was received with higher awards and praises. It went to be the highest-grossing film in Japanese history and received universal acclaim like one of the best-animated films for children, one of the best films of cinema world that is why it has a huge fan following not only in Japan but all over the world. Although Ghibli intended this animation for young teens it is highly popular among elders as well along with teens, both genders are equally attracted to it. It received many awards including Academy Awards for a best-animated movie in 2003 along with many others.

(word count = 195)


Ewens, Hannah. “Why 'Spirited Away' Is the Best Animated Film of All Time.” VICE, 20 July 2016, www.vice.com/en_us/article/8geg4b/spirited-away-ghibli-miyazaki-15th-15-year-anniversary-best-animation-hannah-ewens

Week 2:

3-a: professional critics on spirited away.

When “spirited away” was released, it was intended by the director that children who don’t value their traditions and are lost in modern cultures. It was a sweet but important reminder by the director. This message was clear from the reviews that I picked from top-notched critics Kenneth Turan and Roger Ebert. Both have only positive words for the animated movie, focusing on its graphics, its drawings, emotions, and motions involved in the movie. Both highly praised the creativity and the director along with its team who were able to deliver us such a masterpiece.

I find that both critics were clear and honest with their opinions and these reviews are very helpful for those who are not familiar with this animated movie and wish to see it. the reviews were detailed, due to which this movie is regarded as one of the best children animated movies of all time.

3-b: discussion threads.

There are a variety of discussion threads available at "reddit.com" to understand what this animation means and why it is so famous. While I was going through them, I enjoy two in particular. 1 discussion thread was by an individual who watched the animation movie "spirited away" but he/she was unable to understand the movie like what is the story or the purpose behind it, therefore he was inquiring what was so special about it. I enjoyed the comments that follow on describing numerous points of excellence like the amazing graphics and outstanding story. I find it amusing that so many people answered back in support of the movie.1

Another discussion that I enjoyed reading was again on the “reddit.com” in which the writer was inquiring about what was so special as he/she was unable to distinguish any difference or highlights. The 23,000 comments were made to point out the positive and uniqueness of spirited away. The response was so overwhelming that the initial post writer wrote that he will have to write again. I believe that in both discussions, the positive and amazing features were discussed and writers chipped in to describe what they liked most. I find the material of the discussions to be exactly like the critics that I mentioned above. 2

Word count: 368


Ebert, R. (2012). A magical dot over in the corner. Retrieved on 3rd July 2020. Retrieved from https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-spirited-away-2002

Turan, K. (2002). Under the spell of ‘spirited away’. Retrieved on 3rd July 2020. Retrieved from https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-sep-20-et-turan20-story.html

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1o22fs/why_is_spirited_away_considered_a_masterpiece/

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/3f434w/why_is_spirited_away_considered_to_be_one_of_the/