Essay #4 - The Argumentative Research Paper Every day we are faced with ethical questions and debatable issues. Think about a topic for which you have a strong opinion. Argue in favor or against that

Essay #4 - The Argumentative Research Paper

Every day we are faced with ethical questions and debatable issues. Think about a topic for which you have a strong opinion. Argue in favor or against that issue. Defend your opinion with solid reasons, facts, and reliable outside sources. Your audience may disagree with your position; therefore, use strong evidence to refute any counter-arguments. Convince your audience to support your opinion.

This is thesis drive argumentative research paper. You may choose your own topic, but you must get it approved. It must be a controversial topic. Below is a list of topic ideas, but know that you are not limited to these issues. If you have another idea for an argumentative topic, please first email me your idea first for approval.

  • Limit on babies born per woman to prevent overpopulation

  • Women in combat (military)

  • Increasing minimum wage in the U.S. or Maryland

  • Electing president by popular vote – or – electoral college

  • Requiring standardized tests to get into college

  • Making U.S. immigration laws stricter

  • Singers and bands from using sexual language / messages in songs

  • Men getting paternity leave

  • Discontinuing daylight saving

  • California becoming its own country

  • Free college education in the U.S.

  • Discontinuing high fructose corn syrup in food products

  • Euthanasia (assisted suicide)

  • Universal (free) healthcare

  • U.S. companies moving its business to a developing country

  • Capital punishment (death penalty)

  • Lowering drinking age from 21 to 18

The purpose of this paper is to create an original argument and support it with evidence. You will need to have a minimum of six sources with four from the databases. The minimum length is six full pages with maximum of ten pages not including works cited sheet. Use MLA documentation. Make sure to include a counterargument and concession and rebuttal as part of your body paragraphs.

Here are questions you can ask yourself as you work on developing your topic and drafting your research paper:

  1. UNITY:  Is there a clear thesis sentence that provides the focus for the paper?  Does the intro establish that ethical or debatable issue you are researching?

  2. COHERENCE:  Have you organized effectively?  Have you organized your discussion into multiple paragraphs?   Are transitions (first of all, secondly, finally, etc) used to help your reader keep track of the points?  Do all of the points in each paragraph connect to the topic sentence? 

  3. SUPPORT:  Have you developed each paragraph by exploring reasons for your position?  Have you developed at least a full paragraph on each of your reasons?

  4. REBUTTAL: Is there at least one paragraph that addresses the counter-argument? Is there a concession and rebuttal for the counter-argument in that paragraph?

  5. QUOTATIONS/SOURCES:  Have you included work with sources to support your points?  Have you used signal sentences to introduce quotations?  Have you punctuated quotations correctly?  Are quotations or paraphrases used to support your ideas?  Did you include a Works Cited page with entries for your sources?  

  6. STYLE/MECHANICS/GRAMMAR:  Are your ideas expressed clearly and correctly?  Have you used precise language?

  7. FORMAT:  Have you double-spaced your essay? Indented the first sentence?  Is your name, date, etc. in one of the upper corners?  Have you given your essay a title? 

Essay Requirements:

  • 6-10 pages typed & double spaced (NOT including the Works Cited page)

  • MLA formatted, Times New Roman, 12-point font

  • Minimum 6 outside sources listed on a Works Cited page

    • 4 of the four must come from an online database

  • Please revise and edit your essay so that is free of grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes.