P2--Research Paper #2Time Era: c. 700s AD-c. 1550s AD Research Paper Requirements: A clearly stated thesis in the beginning of the paper, your 4-5 points clearly stated within. Analyze 4-5 significant

Historical Analysis Paper Rubric

Rubric Type: holistic

Categories: Good grammar, organization, proper analysis of topic, clear thesis and conclusion, proper citations, and good academic sources. Proper length 5-7 pages.

I feel that the analytical rubric is great, but it could be overwhelming to some students who just throw out the directions and go to work, I know I did that when I was a student on occasion too. For that reason, I go more for the holistic rubric to keep it simple and to not scare off those types of students.



Excellent 19-20 A

The paper has perfect grammar and organization throughout the body, the paper stays on topic, gives a proper analysis of the subject in 3-5 points, has a clear thesis and conclusion, and is properly cited with academic sources. It has 5-7 full pages.

Good 16-18 B to A-

The paper has few grammatical errors, stays on point and is quite organized. It gives a proper analysis of the topic with 3-5 points, has a clear thesis and a conclusion, and is properly cited with only a few errors. It may have 1 weak source. It has 5-7 full pages

Needs Work 14-15 C

The paper has several grammatical errors, but has basic organization, it may deviate off its main points, may veer away from its analysis into basic definitions and narrative, has a weak or not clearly stated thesis and conclusion, and has poor citations and some weak sources. Has only 3-4 pages

Poor 0-13 F to D

The paper is poorly written or edited, does not analyze the topic but instead gives a basic narrative, it has no clear thesis, poor organization, and no or a weak conclusion, and has little to no citations and weak or no sources. Has only 3-4 pages.

I remember a grad school professor I had who gave a rubric for a thesis proposal that was supposed to be 12-15 pages. The rubric itself was 10-12 pages and gave little to no freedom for the students’ expression. It felt as if the proposal paper was a government form to be filled out exactly as the professor wanted. I want my students to be guided but I want them to feel that they can breathe. I hope this rubric is enough for explaining what I want to see without being overwhelming.